Weapons and vehicles of the "Tigers of Burma" update

didn’t you just said:


Most people have the 75% medkit usage speed perk so they’ll be up in 2 seconds and it’s not uncommon for them to carry backpacks with extra medkits either. You’re mostly just giving people a redundant service.

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So if I ask for fake weapons, will they give them to us? Or only to the Allies and Soviets?

-Why can I order a Panzerfaust 250 where they are not going to give it to us, right?
-Can I ask for the Maus? Where are they going to give it to us?
-Can I order a TA 183 They will give it to us if we ask for it, right?

So if we ask for that, they won’t give it to us? Or does it only apply to the Allies and the Soviets?

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I really said in the forum for a while about their content distribution, it’s really unbalanced.


The question is you reach them alive? :thinking:

This is my issue with medics, there is always that random shot who kill you once you are going to res a bot/player, i Wish there was some ability for mass Res squad of player still alive, like a resurrection points medic can build, and the players who visit it can get back his dead soldier one time at every respawn

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Thank you, my friend, for not being closed-minded and hateful towards Germany like everyone else.


Do not give the Allies a lazy capture Panzerschreck.

They can get the experimental M20 Super Bazooka that was made specifically to counter the Panzerschreck

And the Ordnance RCL 3.45 in, a British experimental AT weapon that was actually intended to be used in the Far East. It’s literally perfect for the Burma update


So Germany can receive the Panzerfaust 250, right?

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They think it makes the game “more fair” to play. They think the high player count and standard German tech is enough to compensate for it. Of course, whenever the Allies falls short due to the lack of experienced American players, they blame the gear instead of the playerbase’s abilities.

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Hey, we’ve been missing a couple things for a while now. We finally get those things, and plenty of new toys to go with them. Why don’t you just go play with the biggest tree in the game for a little bit? Let us have our content update we get once in a while

most of things you wrote is blatantly false.

  1. mg42 iconic rate of fire is 1200 rpm. 900 rpm is with heavy bolt. 1500 rpm is with special ammo. effective ROF is somewhere around 150 rpm.
  2. mg42 used 50 round belts. only when used in fixed emplacement as MMG would soldiers use longer belts and they were linked 50 round belts, not 250 round belts. you are probably thinking about ammo boxes that could contain 250 or 300 rounds, but they contained multiple 50 rounds belts.

Besides there are no pointers for soliders being healed, and players just don’t know and ran away from Medics. The Enlisted mechanism allows people to accept the loss of one or two soldiers. In addition, Medic’s POV will not “lock” onto the injured person, and if there is any movement, the treatment will simply be interrupted.

I thought medics were just some kind of ‘rich man’s toy’ (got 1m silver so don’t care win or loss, or have trustworthy friends to team up) in this game. If someone in a 10V10 puts all their energy on something completely unnecessary, they are dragging down the entire team.

You’re going to tell me that this is false, but can the prototype weapons you’re asking for be included?Don’t make me laugh


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Theoretically yes.

But personally I think they should get the Faustpatrone, Panzerfaust 30, and Panzerfaust 150 first

But the 250 may not be necessary because it basically just fires 150s and everyone carries a dozen Panzerfausts in the first place. Regardless the 150 should be added first


why is the hit power from the Hyde M1944 the same as the hitpower from the stg44 but why is the fierrate as that high. thers no way this can be fair ore be balenced.

Buddy clearly you don’t see me trashing the Allied players almost every chance I get. I hate them idiots. I just wanna enjoy using some American weapons, but no I gotta get the dumbest teams imaginable and watch as we get our faces stomped in left and right cause teammates CAN’T GET TO OBJECTIVE

Well, what if I wanted the MG-81Z? An aircraft mounted variant of the MG-34 with dual barrels, 1500 rpm per barrel and fed with large 250 belts.

i gave you source where its specs were explained, but you are constantly ignoring it for OP stuff for germans.

of course.

i do not " brand " people unless i’m sure of.

but it does rise eyebrows when this update gives them the very thing they have been asking for ages.
and they sill complain.

( to be fair. these are always the same individuals spouting the same thing over and over. of how germany somehow suffers )


the premium ones i ain’t " too afraid " because to be fair, premium squads are for the most part, rare.
you know it. and i know it.
especially considering the large ammount of people in this game are free to players.

second argument on why, i personally do not think it’s that big of an issue, it’s because the us has been somewhat " behind " ( which most of your clan agreed. and was the major point ) US didn’t had much going for them beside the best Cas.
so, they got most of the equipment to be more in line to other factions. giving more options and toys for them to play with.

at least, that’s how i see it.

honest question,
what else do they need?.

as i stated previously, in the other updates, they got the marders. which was much needed in br II.
they got the event puma.
they got the best guerillas.

not all updates have to be about germany.
and in this one, they got ( well, i’m probably going to grab few my self ) this amazing “new” machinegun with 100 rounds, and what those people do, complains.

it certainly tells more about them, than me.

earlier to say.

but ussr did not needed any buff.
although these two new additions will offer more choices and sidegrade for those who wish for new content.

so, they did got something.

in japan cases, there could be an argument.
this new mg might be good. or bad. we’ll have yet to test it ( on paper, sounds and looks alright )

i would agree that japan needed better CAS, and others weapons.

this tank, it’s … meh.
but i’m glad it’s being introduced anyway.

is it really an argument though?.

again, comes back to the question.
what does germany really needs.

tanks? no. i don’t think they do.
planes? maybe, there could be some arguments to it.
weapons? they just got the mg42 100, and apparently… it’s not enough ?

other nations are fine. japan however, i think they should be the one doing the complaining if anything.

but not the germans.

can’t disagree nor agree.

i’m neutral about it.

which it is a bit strange how the allies gets 100+ rounds mgs in a rapid succession.

but most are GO / event or premium.

beside the A6.

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