Updated Japan tree suggestions topic

Early japanese LMGs/Type 11 prototypes

This post will have the same principle as the previous one about the Type 100 SMG prototypes: I will suggest prototypes of LMGs that would be good additions as battlepass/event/premium squad weapons, because they would be very similar to the Type 11 we already have ingame.

Here is a list of all the LMG prototypes that lead to the adoption of the Type 11 MG:
For each suggestion, I will designate which one I am talking about in this list. I am not 100% sure, so feel free to point out any mistake that I could make.

For the stats of the weapons, unless I say otherwise, and because I don’t want to repeat myself, they all have a rate of fire of 500 rounds per minute, were all chambered in 6.5mm, and were all fed by a 30 round feed strip. It is because the Type 11 LMG was basically a lighter version of the Type 3 MG.

Mk. A/B/C Experimental LMGs

The second of the list, there seems to be three variants of this one, but I don’t know which one is the A, B or C. There are only minor differences between these three it seems.



Barrel shroud Type LMG

Very likely the third on the list, because there is no other LMG with a barrel shroud that is fed with feed strips.




Barrel shroud-less Type LMG

I don’t know whether it is the fourth or the fifth on the list, but the only big difference between them is the weight: the fifth is 1kg lighter than the fourth, so it wouldn’t make a big difference if it is implemented in the game. You can see the difference with the Mk A/B/C on the buttstock and the barrel: on this one, the stock looks more like the one of the regular Type 11, and the barrel is shorter.



Very likely the sixth one on the list, because no other experimental LMG based on the Type 3 MG has a Lewis-type rotating magazine on top of the receiver. And because this one has a Lewis-type mag, it might have a 47 round capacity magazine, but it is not clearly specified. I included this prototype in this list, because I think that the Type 92 LMG should be in the regular tree first, the only big difference between this experimental LMG and the Type 92 is the rate of fire: the experimental one keeps the 500 rpm (as I said at the beginning of this post), but the Type 92 has a 600 rpm rate of fire.


Type 11 LMG with experimental box magazine

The last suggestion of this post. This weapon is not in the list, because it is a regular Type 11 LMG with an experimental 35 round magazine that was developed in 1928, so after the official adoption of the Type 11 LMG, which is the eighth and final weapon on the list by the way, so you can understand why this suggestion is not on the list at the beginning of this post.


As always, huge thanks to DELAVR and aizenns for their pics, and Killerwolf1024 for his list with the translation.
Go check their topics/posts that I linked in the first post of this topic. :slight_smile:


Another useful tip in japanese designations translations:

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式 - Shiki - Type
型 - Kata/Gata - Model
号 - Gou/Gō - Mark

甲 - Kō - A - First
乙 - Otsu - B - Second
丙 - Hei - C - Third
丁 - Tei - D - Fourth
戊 - Bo - E - Fifth


Thanks. I wasn’t sure about Bo (E) because I had only seen this designation once, and could not remember where it was, so I chose to not include it because I wasn’t sure. Seems it was legit after all.

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I have edited my posts about bolt-action rifles, SMGs, LMGs, and AT weapons. I have added new suggestions and pictures for some guns I already suggested. Huge thanks to DELAVR for his pictures of the experimental Muratas loaded via stripper clips. I took some suggestions of already existing topics and found some pics on the internet too. The topics/posts in question are mentioned in my first post, but they were made by DELAVR, Killerwolf1024, aizenns, go check their topics/posts!

I found the pics about the “normal” Muratas on this website, go check it out, it is the most complete website about these rifles that I have found ! Link: https://www.militaryrifles.com/japan/murata22
As always, your likes give more visibility to these posts, so, thanks in advance ! :slight_smile:

Type 99, 97 and 99 prototypes and developments


During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the chinese used the ZB-26 against the japanese, which were equipped with the Type 11 MG. The ZB-26 proved to be very superior to the Type 11, and it was then unofficially adopted by the japanese under the semi-official name “Type 7.99 light machine gun” when the japanese captured the guns and also the factories producing these guns in China. The stats of these guns would obviously be the same as the ZB-26 already ingame.

Picture of the ZB-26 used by the japanese with a 20 round mag:

And with a 30 round mag:
Without the mag:
Picture of the ZB-26 with a magazine likely made of two 20 round mags welded together (30 or 40 rounds capacity ? I have no idea):

ZB-26 converted in 6.5mm

When the japanese captured the chinese factories producing the ZB-26, the japanse continued the production of these guns, and some of these were produced for the 6.5mm japanese cartridge. It used a similar, but not identical mag to the Type 96 MG.


Differences between the mags of the 6.5mm ZB-26 (left) and the Type 96 (right):

Model A and Model B Experimental Machine Guns

The prototypes of what would become the Type 96 LMG: The Model A was made by Nambu and the Model B was made by Kokura. The Model A won the competition and became the Type 96 MG. The Model B lost, but this gun would later become the Type 97 Tank MG. The Model B was basically a copy of the ZB-26 in 6.5mm.

Picture of the Model A (future Type 96):
Another Model A (future Type 96), but with a thicker barrel:

Picture of the Model B (the one which lost the competition, but would later serve as the basis for the Type 97 Tank MG):

Pictures of the early model of the Type 97 Tank MG, with a curved mag and a weird looking buttstock:

Experimental Type 1 Light Machine Gun (see the different models below):

These prototypes were made as improvements to the Type 99 Machine Gun, they were all chambered in 7.7mm, and all had a capacity of 30 rounds. Different prototypes were made by different manufacturers, and they all served as prototypes for the Type 3 Light Machine Gun that would come efter that.

-Experimental Type 1 Light Machine Gun Model 1

Made by Nambu, it was a simpler Type 99 LMG with a higher rate of fire (couldn’t find any data about the rate of fire) :

Picture of the Model 1 A:
Picture of the Model 1 B:

Note: I struggle to find any differences between these two, so the differences might be in the internal parts, let me know if you have more informations.

-Experimental Type 1 Light Machine Gun Model 2

Made by Tokyo Gas Electric, it was made to use the feed strips of the Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun, and it could also use the same bullets. Otherwise the rate of fire is the same as the Type 99 LMG. The stock was also displaced to better withstand the impact of rapid fire. Just like for the Model 1, there are two models: a Model 2 A and a Model 2 B: apparently the main difference between the A and B model is the fact that the Model 2 B had rear legs fitted to the buttstock, while the Model 2 A did not have these rear legs.

Picture of the Model 2 A:
Picture of the Model 2 B (we can’t see the entirety of the buttstock, so we can’t confirm the presence of the rear legs) :

-Experimental Type 1 Light Machine Gun Model 3

Made by Nagoya Army Arsenal. It was another simplification of the Type 99 LMG using straight mags in the same style of the ZB-26 LMG, which were easier to manufacture. Given the size of the mags, I guess it had a 30 round capacity. It retained the same shape of buttstock as the Model 2.

Picture of the model with Technical HQ’s bipod design:
Picture of the model with Nagoya Arsenal’s bipod design:

Experimental Type 3 Light Machine Gun

Basically the synthesis of the Type 99 LMG and all the models of the Experimental Type 1 LMG. It could also fill the roles of the Type 92 and Type 1 HMGs, so it could be considered as a GPMG. It used the same feed strips as the Type 92 HMG, and it could also use the same bullets.


That’s it for today !
As always, huge thanks to DELAVR and aizenns for their pics and informations, go check their topics mentioned in the first post of this topic.
I also used the articles about these LMGs on wikipedia in japanese:

As always, your likes give more visibility to these posts and this topic, so more chances for the devs to see all these suggestions ! :smiley:


Hey, it’s been a long time, innit ?
A small post to show you clearer pictures of the Experimental Type 1 Light Machine Gun Model 2 that were shared by DELAVR on this topic:

Here is a pic of the Model 2 A:
Here is a pic of the Model 2 B:
As always, thanks to him.
I have been absent for some time, and I didn’t feel the urge to post more things, because the last category of infantry weapons that I have to cover is the category of “Meme weapons/Shotguns”. It includes pretty much only the single shot last ditch weapons and the single shot/two shot shotguns used by the japanese, so these aren’t some “game breaking weapons”. The only other categories that are left after that would be the trucks and the armored cars/halftracks categories. That makes a total of three posts in total that are left for me to do. After these posts are made, well, maybe I’ll do tanks and planes after that, maybe not, I don’t know. But I still wanted to post this today to show that I’m not completely dead, and that I still have this topic in the back of my mind ! :smiley: