That means I won’t be killed by my own gun grenade when shooting at the enemy from a small window or corner now, right? (If I operate correctly)
I hope its on the german/italy tech tree … they could use a good semi auto at rifle
I also hope the USA can get the winchester prototype .50 BMG AT Rifle for their tech tree. That way all factions have a semi auto at rifle.
The uniforms of the Third Fallschirmjäger Division will be converted into army uniforms in all areas except Normandy. Can they be repaired and reinforced with advanced engineering units that duplicate Normandy and technology tree weapons, as well as reasonable modifications to the custom content of Fallschirmjä ger and the German 91st Glider Division
The Kiraly was already buffed when they changed the auto rifles recently, it’s pretty psychotic now.
Can you change your Global Illumination Algorithm to Medium?
From testing it ourselves, it may be that the “High” setting is bugged, and also “Low” has some issues. “Medium” seems to work fine.
I wonder if you can add such a restriction: that players made zero kills during multiple vehicle squad deployments will receive a penalty of “squad is not ready” time, as another countermeasure for kamikaze attacks?
(A mechanism of “the nearest enemy will earn the kill” for suiciding people like the one in War Thunder is also welcomed.)
In BR I-III matches it’s very frequently that newly-enlisted players won’t have their squads fully fulfilled, and therefore more easily get wiped-out. I suggest not to make this change to all Conquest missions.
(after all isn’t this update has inconsistent ideas with the one in July ?)
Finally, time to use the white mig
Wait thats fixed? My own bots still block my engineering all the time, also have bots merge into the ground or objects and get stuck at least once every ten matches. No way to get them out so I just gotta let the squad die first before suiciding with the one stuck in the ground then.
Though apart from that, these updates will always be welcome, fixing bugs or broken systems is a good thing. Also a bonus they arent ruining one of the best working systems with this one.
As in “soon™”?
Forgive me if I wait and see…
Afterall, it’s not like if we asked about it for MONTHS if not more… while mig ammo count is fixed quick enough, eh?
I restarted the client. And can confirm it works better on “Medium Global Illumination”
on “High” and “Low” - it’s not good …
It’s a good attempt to make a complete step but you’re still falling out of the gate with this one. And I’m not surprised about it. Actually, I think it’s funny you devs post some stuff to get the community pissed off about the game to borderline riot mode and then within a day of two you realize “Oh crap they really don’t like what we did” so you try and damage control by posting something that you think is “good”, or that “updates” the game. Just stick to what you do best counting
and leave the game alone. You’ve already killed it twice over now you’re just kicking it while its down
well bots move when you want to build something… sometimes they take few seconds, but they move. your teammates bots are the ones usually blocking.
this is another bug.
The new update really lags, FPS drops to 10 and lower when special effects take a part
Oh they move alright, move right into what I’m building and then have to wait another 5-10 second for them to fuck off, Ive learnt at this point to just order the squad to fuck off about 30m from me when building, or just build something else if using an engineer squad and let them finish off the building they are sitting in.
Did you noticed it on first game or after 3?
The funny thing is that it was in early versions that bots are not considered objects that block building.
@James_Grove @MajorMcDonalds nice all round changes. But as I expected the plane tree camo for the Germans is still not fixed even after I pointed this out in the test server.
If only, Id so entomb some of my little retards as punishment for running out the door into the MG in their last life.
I really REALLY hope this will be TT and maybe later the Rheinmetall S-18/1000 too.