
He is a good player. Dont question him.

AI behavior since the update is as follows:

AI squads now take the long way around from getting from point A to B, AGAIN

AI squads now stand in the way of engineer trying build something AGAIN

AI soldiers now stand in front of you wilst your actively aiming and shooting at foe blocking the shot AGAIN

AI soldiers stay in water not following you into battle AGAIN

Newsflash, this is NOT improvement

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The improved AI is great. I’m very happy that AI squads can make their own rallies.

Thanks for the great update!
This update has transformed the AI into a more valuable soldier than the player.
Rally points, ammo boxes. There are really few players who set up these buildings😕

But I can’t say enough great things about the superhuman shooting ability of the … AI soldiers.
They will shoot you in the head at a high rate of fire with any weapon type from a distance. Accurate shooting is a head scratcher. Oops, I didn’t already have a head to worry about.
Well, the head that bothers me

If possible, it would be nice if you could reduce the shooting ability of the AI soldiers a little more.

how do i change my solider formation now??? they are bunching up 24/7 and i liked standard and wide. i dont see a control for it anymore. HELP

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Have you noticed this only in buildings or also in open areas? Also, if it is in buildings do the soldiers have rifles or SMG as their primary?

Same here. It says in the Soldier selection menu but I have yet to find it.

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So, their primary is often random.

Meaning that the bots that do this behavior, either have smgs, lmgs, bolt action rifles, and even semi auto rifles.

And they mostly tend to use side arms around and within the objective.

Haven’t tested the new update though. The one of few days ago

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Keo how do you do a 1 hand hit?

They absolutely fucked artillery and engineer squads with all those nerfs.
What didn’t they touch? Tanks kill through walls and when the team is fully covered.
The game turns into absolute crap. Maybe they dream of doing another counterstrike with only pew pew idiots running and jumping with their SMGs… There are players who love this kind of gameplay. The rest will bb :wink:

And I remember we had some idiots insisting on the realistic gameplay aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha.

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all your a up dates make little difference to the game dominated by clans and their matched to fight low frank players hence they get 145 kills and wipe the floor with any one they come across your The game doesn’t work the BR RATING IS used for NEW PLAYERS
a squad of radio men and anti tank and mg is br 4 lol these guys will face tigers and panther yet the highest tank they can get is Stuart 37 m gun what are you dong ??? you m ade it impossible to play and win you are allowing clans so 3 clan members wipe the floor and every one quits your are ruijg the game and no one will stay and pay $40 bucks for a squad to get annailed in 10 mins I’m out I’ve had enough of being demoted steamrolled you don’t listen to anyone your updates mean nothing, if 100s quit the game as they cant win 10 matches lost every one bye im out, keep your game its fixed for the derv n clans to win