Upcoming Enlisted Economy changes - time to sell superflous soldiers now?

Hi guys

I have a lot of non-perfectly rolled high-tier soldiers, mainly class III and class IV assaulters. These are leveled up, but are in my reserve, as I play with perfectly rolled soldiers. With the upcoming economy changes: Is it advisable to sell them now, before the changes take effect? I would assume so… What do you think?

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For tier I and II even perfect rolled soldier could be sold, and you could roll 10 times for perfect stats (if they keep the 90% refund) and still be ahead in silver.
3000 for selling them now, 600 new buy price. Usuallu rolling for perfect makes the cost double.

Though You lose xp on those so leveling them again is pain so i won’t do it too much

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yeah, because soldiers will sell for less after the update due to obvious reasons
so if you sell a level 5 tier 1 soldier you will get 2850 back, so you’ll have enough to buy 4 tier 1 soldiers again (2400)

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Wow… Thanks for your superfast replies!

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Do you know the exact selling prices for soldiers after upcoming changes? Was it already somewhere shared?

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oh dam so tier 1 soldier might sale for like 300 silver? glad i already sold them then


Thanks for your very good question. You have saved me quite a lot of money.

This is all just from selling imperfect soldiers in my current presets (I eventually planned to replace them all with perfect rolled ones in future just like you)


I have already sold mine from 20k to 3.1kk

You are welcome

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Sold some old soldiers, got 700k, even found a platinum luger chillin on an old flamethrower dude from pre merge Moscow(I can tell because the primary was a zh)

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I think there’s something of a break-even point somewhere around tier 3 or higher soldiers.

It depends on how much you want “perfect soldiers” - but the amount you get back between tier 2 and 3 difference is less than a 1k silver difference, yet the cost for the soldiers at tier 3 goes up from 1500 at tier 2 to 5000 at tier 3. So the net gain is only 3k-ish. It’s an even smaller “gain” on Tier 4.

It seems a no-brainer though, to sell off Tier 1 and 2 soldiers since the return is 80%.

I haven’t seen it shared, but there’s no way they wouldn’t drop it, unless they wanted to completely crash their own economy. It’d be so easy to triage buying new units at 20% of the cost and selling them at 90% of the of the original cost.



Yes, they updated the economy today – earlier than expected. Took me more than two hours to sell my non-perfectly rolled soldiers, but didn’t have the time to sell unused equipment (like starter pistols, etc.). Glad I sold my soldiers, I went from 200k silver to 2,300k silver.

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Ah, cool! As someone notes in the other thread - that’s impressive. Makes the RNG cost not nearly so bad if people want those “perfect soldiers”.

And now that I think about it, given the relatively modest gain in silver earning - by combining it with such large reductions in soldier recruitment cost, it’s actually a much larger increase/incentive in the “Pick any faction” gain they’ve announced as well.


Well, that’s good thing. You wouldn’t get much from that.

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Whoah, that WAS fast. I’m glad I stayed up last night and did mine. I have no where near the money some will get (e.g. I gained about 250k silver by stripping some of my squads back down to T1).

But I saw the message by the community manager in that long thread that it would happen “soon” - and since I saw the change to the star rating on the equipment yesterday, I didn’t want to miss it.


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Agreed. I looked at the prices for some of that stuff and it didn’t look worth selling off at all.