Toolkits to "Deconstruct" Enemy Fortifications, and it's effect on mine usage, plus Bangalore Torpedos

Making it impossible to destroy for all but Engineers will be a much bigger problem. Best to leave it be.

I can’t agree with that as a general statement.

If you were to fully read the suggestion, you would see that I didn’t suggest “only engineers” be able to destroy them.

Engineers would have the advantage in that they wouldn’t need to carry additional equipment to be able to destroy them.

Other troops however would need to carry a toolkit consumable, meaning that on that particular character they may need to sacrifice some other equipment for that capability.

They even still have the option to carry and use a TNT (or Bangelore Torpedo if they were brought in).

The point of the suggestion is that they would need to make the choice of either being able to get past fortifications DIRECTLY, or carrying their normal gear (and needing to flank). Alternatively they could put an engineer in their squad.
Overall it would increase the effectiveness of fortifications by there being less people able to break through them, NOT that there would be none that would be able to.

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They don’t need additional, nor does others all can use the J Button
why introduce a need for a consumable tool kit, again J button.

I fully read the entire thing in it’s majestic mediocrity. I commented on my lack of desire to carry TNT and have no interest in adding bangalores. I have no interest in carrying toolkits to eliminate barbed wire that many/most soldiers could deal with using wire cutters that they could wear on their belt (no tool kit).

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Wow, this is indeed a very long post, I call it, Engineer System Overhaul.

So here comes a fundamental question. Assuming that DF fully accepts these suggestions, after so many modifications, will we still play enlisted like before? No I suppose. Many behaviors of players may have fundamental changes.

Developers usually only undergo a major overhaul if a system is widely disliked by players. Otherwise, for safety, developers will not implement these changes because they do not know if the modified system is truly more popular among players.

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I have to say that they seriously need to start implementing in-game polls. Have them pop up on the side near event pages and battlepass. Perhaps incentivize it with 1,000 silver for participation.

The problem is that the forums only represents a small % of the playerbase. Even a lot of the players in my group that I play with (about 35 members) don’t get on the forums. It doesn’t mean that they don’t have issues or complaints with the game, rather they just don’t have the patience to try to deal with them.

If they implemented the in game polls, they could get a much more accurate idea of just how players overall feel about certain elements of the game, an overhaul to engineering being one of them!

Note: I’ve talked this suggestion over with many members of the group to help flesh out details, and the vast majority of them agreed with it. I’m pretty sure there would be more support for it than you realize.

Note 2: They could implement it as an event mode to test the reaction to it. I really don’t think it would be that difficult to set up. After all, they have the mech events in April each year, so something like this would take only a margin of that effort to do.


With what I’ve seen here I really wish defenders would not have to Poor bodies into the objective just to hold it and let the defenses actually do the work for once

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tl;dr I don’t think this is a good idea.

Long version, playing defense is already less restricted than the attacking party.

The defending side…:

  • know that the attacking side need to come to the cap point, limiting their [attackers’] movement flows by default because they have to converge into the point.
  • have no spawn limit and can keep getting back into the battle as many times as they want without any penalty at all.
  • can defend the point while being outside of the cap point, while the attackers have to be in the cap in order to proceed.
  • (mostly) have covers/shelters built into the cap, while the attacker have to charge through (relatively) open area before reaching the cap.

And that’s just from a perspective of attack vs defense on ‘equal’ term. Now, let’s look at the buildings themselves


  • are really useful for defenders, while attackers could barely utilize them at all. (apart from being a beacon telling rally-hunters where your rallys are.)

Barbed wires:

  • can be used by attackers to prevent the defenders from getting into the cap BUT they would also be in the way after the cap is secured, therefore rendering them double-edges sword for the attackers while the defenders don’t have to worry about this.

Tank traps:

  • If the attackers have to use these… They’re pretty much screwed.

Ammo boxes:

  • Defenders, which can stay stationary, benefit more from these things than the attackers who need to be on the moving at all time.

Medic crates:

  • ditto.

MG nests/AT guns/Ampulomets:

  • equally useful for both sides, but the attackers need to have players be outside of the cap contesting in order to man them.

From my point of view, which is bias but I will admit it, by having these buildings is already an advantage to the defenders. Adding any more mechanic that would make these things an even larger advantage for a side with already almost no-restrictions is not a great or healthy idea in my opinion.

And lastly, any classes could deconstruct any buildings isn’t ‘unfair’ to the engineers tbh (way slower than using engineer tho). But if they require to have tool kits to do it, now that’s unfair. Why? Engineers could still use ammo/'nade pouches or backpacks but the other classes need to use backpacks or they would not have med kits. Doing this would change the game into engineer spamming or take L from sandbags/barbed wires at the cap’s entrance.

In my 1000+ battle experience, it’s way easier to attack than it is to defend.

Here are my top 3 reasons why:

  1. You pretty much have to be in the cap to defend it. If you’re not, someone is going to creep in and just take it. It’s very hard to build adequate defenses in time to keep them out of the obvious paths in. If you do, it usually just gets shelled and destroyed.

  2. Attackers only need to push through once to get the cap. If you’re on defense, you can’t reclaim the cap by outnumbering them again.

  3. Bots are better at attacking. They know what do. Go to a point take it. On defense, bots usually just crowd the cap and get bombed. Useless.


It’s absolutely ridiculous how easily broken this game is if you’re attacking, from the gray zone tank campers to defenses being absolutely useless. The fact that as defenders you have to do more assaulting than the actual assaulters is silly. Something has to give, it’s like assault bias. The gray zone camping tanks are basically sitting there boosting and don’t help their team at all in the grand scheme, that has to change big time. Explosives shouldn’t be able to break barb wire attached to the ground. Maybe not an instant overhaul but certainly changes need to be made.

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How much did OP pay you to post that?
Just joined, headed straight for here??
I have told him, there is no need for a Toolkits to deconstruct things
Just use the J Button.


NGL, I assumed it’s an alt account. :rofl:

Joined 2h ago…

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oops i just seen/read the

Lol, nothing.

There are a lot of players on console that simply don’t know the forums are here. Many of whom are having the same experiences that I talk about. I just directed them to the forums, their opinions are their own.

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And let everyone know that when I post I am ALSO speaking for dozens or hundreds including my “team.”


Been saying that for quite some time now.

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