This week, on the unmoderated Sanbox Portal #1:

We visit windows XP:


Player with bot name spams the same sh*t for 200 times:

…and whatever this is:


@tyty5224_leBelge Stop spamming the same thing again and again for gods sake.

And you are all wondering why mods are unpopular? Who would want to browse a site like that?


Well i am as confused as you do

Welllll, we still have legit posts:

truly an enlisted moment.

and ruins visibility of actual mods…


well no, our legit modders overran them quickly!

Thats also why we need to “train” up more modders by our supportive behaviours of helping everyone here on the forums

Like this one by @FoReVeRzZZz is truly one of the masterpieces we have
I think i can help him improve this even more if i can contact him here (see if he replies here)

And some how i cant tag him here. I am sure he has made some kind of posts here in the forums before, and i have helped him before

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we need new high quality hangar mods (without bugs!)


@Bazsi37 well this guy only has 2 posts, so he is not a bot. He just has some unusual choices for his thumbnails… and we should not judge he right to do so as long as he is not spamming like the second photo

Well if you know someone who know how to make those mods, or any samples that you can give me, i am very happy to learn how to make those. I have a lot of ideas about those but i am just hesitant to learn it without any help

OMG thats a very big market i just saw, virtually no one is making hangars!

Do you have any ideas for a good hangar location? I will start learning them tmr when i wake up and i will make my first one like within tmr

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New georgia cave hangar would be epic

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Great idea, let me look into a hangar.blk that i used to be using in 2023 to learn

i know 0 about making mods, but everything about high quality product design.
optimally you do a coherent series of hangars, this ensures the majority of mod users will have your stuff & establish you as the best in that industry; especially since there is basically no relevant competition.

series: you can make one for desert, tropical, western summer (sunny), western winter (rain&fog), eastern front winter (snow&fog), berlin (night&lightning rain).

obv not all at once, but working anyone of those nicely is a perfect start. many of those were already made, but they didnt look that well and had too many bugs regarding some menu parts, especially weapons rotation.

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The biggest downside with enlisted is the weather because the seed of the weather generation is always random so we can’t have a epic weather like that

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@ParaDivision would you mind i open up a private chat room with you?
I am very bad at designing but I think i understand how the hangar works after today. I need help from you to create my first hangar.

I have selected the location that @iso_seppo123 suggested, as it is new location for the hangar community

The difficulty of hangar is they need to be updated reguraly comprared to mod wich is more once a year to get rid of some bugs like structure re-appearing in the map.

It is easy for me, I wont ever edit the map

This is the hangar from September, it looks good

Let me learn what i need to make all menus move

Simply open the hangar scenes and use the entities there on your map.

I already figure out that the hangars are made with the mods editor

by the way, are the moderators going to cleanup the spams on sandbox soon?
I heard from some sources that it would happen soon