Things we need in the game

Better armor plating for the soviets
Strange inventions from WWI (2)

Bro’s he has a musket

The Komet is not a jet it is a rocket propelled glider with like 4 minutes of fuel

Tried a turn dogfight with the biplanes in Moscow? I had to run away more than once from those little shits.


Gold order weapon, maybe? :joy:

So give us a glider squad that comes landing HOT on the battlefield :grimacing:

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As long as both sides gets there own BIG bomb/rocket, I wouldn’t complain. So long as these items have like a 5 minutes team cooldown, it would be really interesting to watch the battlefield get hit with munitions that leave a crater 30 meters across.


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Most ideas are just gimmicks or not usefull (yet).
Bikes… no one uses the motorized bikes so sure they will use the eco one.

But I like the idea of those dual purpose AA machine guns.

Well. That wasnt their main target but as you shown London.
Which is why they called it Vergeltunswaffe.

The developers could place them around the map for anybody to utilize (like jeeps). Both as a joke, and also as a way to travel somewhere faster than running.

They could also just give us more jeeps and trucks instead of bikes you can use at best together with one additional bro.

Variety can be more appealing than copy and pasting the same models of transportation across all the maps.

For example: maps that are located within cities, could have bicycles in alleyways and next to shops. So players who want to get from one part of the map to another, can get on a bike and pedal faster than their soldier can run at full speed. Bikes are such a common thing to stumble upon in a city.

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The reality is nobody cares about variety regardless of people praising it.
At the end, we use the same shit anyway.
A bike in middle of fight is begging to get killed. It may work when we get maps which are not designed like meat grinders.

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Not the way the bots currently function. In their current state, they practically ignore human players and focus entirely on other A.I. soldiers. The only ones who would be shooting another player off a bike, would be another human player… And it’s pretty much common sense, if a player used a bike, he/she would know the risks involved. Just like any other form of transportation.

Sure… alot of people probably wouldn’t use them. But others would, and some would probably learn how to be effective with bicycles and moving around the map unnoticed.

It can’t be any worse than paratroopers magically appearing from any/all directions, and spawning wherever the hell they want to land on the map.

We use the same shit, because we lack variety and personalized weapon customization :smiley:
We could have:
-different/interchangeable ammo types
-different types of optics/scopes
-different types of magazine/ammo counts
-different muzzle lengths
-more defensive options for engineers
-different AT cannon types
-different AA gun types
-different MG gun types
-more varieties of sandbag fortifications
-different varieties of barb wire builds (like fences and/or double stacking)
-Different types of tank barriers
-Different muntion loadouts for tanks/aircraft

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Well, you will find this in CoD Vanguard, but I hope that I will never find this in Enlisted tbh.

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which is why we can resort back to captainsebekel’s comment:

Regarding scopes, I created a post about it a few weeks ago.

Regarding different magazine/ammo counts, what’s so different about getting five variations of the same gun (during campaign progression), each with different characteristics?

-Why can’t a player choose to equip his MG42 with either a 50, 75, 100, 250 round drum mag? Each of which would affect the player’s mobility.
-Or Americans who can choose which type of magazine/drum size for their Thompsons and MG squads?

As a player progresses any given campaign, and is unlocking higher tier/top tier squads… then all the previous/lower tiered weapons/magazine/drum sizes/iron sights/optics should all be unlocked for weapon modifications.

Same for the different variations of iron sights that can be found on the different models of the same weapons. For example, how many variations of iron sights are there for the Thompson? Or the FG 42? Etc.

It would be really nice to customize our weapons in a manner of our choosing, while still maintaining a degree of Historical Accuracy.

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For that, I can agree.

The issue with changing the ammunition is that it would completly change the balance of the weapon in the progression. For instance in Tunisia, you unlock the thompson at lvl 14, but the 50 round one is at level 30+. It is the same for the MG 34 which has two distinct variant.