These things won't work in enlisted right?

God, what the hell is that? It looks like a vinaigrette of pz 4, pz 1, pz 3, Churchill (or one of french medium tanks) and Matilda.


it the nb fz forgot what the full name is

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I rather would like to know what the chief engineer of this brainchild smoked.
But if think, so, such a tank would be fine in old Moscow before the T-34. Since they even added a pz3b, then such a tank would look good on a par with the t-28.

i think this tank was suppose to be mass produce since apparently it name translate to new construction vehicle which is it secret name
welp apparently it wasnt mass produce oh well


And it was used in Norway iirc.

wtf… what kind of games are you browsing…

Just currently discounted ones, lol.

They’re always in top 100 when they’re in sales atm. It’s literally impossible to miss them. Do you even use steam?

i use steam but i dont always open it so i didnt know this was a thing but i could guess 1 game that fit into that category

here and there… just check few popular games if i see anything i might like, but i dont remember seeing anything like that.

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Lucky guy.

I’d say all those vehicles will be added one day and then some

even the kv8? personally i find it hard if they are gonna add the kv8 but who know maybe one day

This could work in the game easily. Either have the Elefant be the free version and the Ferdinand be the premium squad. Maybe have the tiger 1(P) be the Premium squad as an alternative.
Could work. I’d see the alternatives being a flamethrower sherman and flamethrower panzer 4/3. Only concern would be the difficulty in dealing with it.
Yeah that could work. Powerful gun + Good armour counteracted by it being turretless
Could work only concerns would be that all it’s crew would be outside in the open. Could be good against bombing raids.
Don’t see why it wouldn’t

Hehe PzKpfw Nb.Fz, its quite fun, paper thin armor but a good number of crew and the gun is fun.

Dont know what it is about multiturreted/multigunned tanks like this and the t-28. I think they are pretty cool

Honestly I can see this as being a fun Low BR premium in Enlisted. I would grab again.

Or maybe they should have cross over promotions and just give it to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually better gun since you reload lot faster and projectile travel is flat, and you also carry more ammo

Oh hell a Maultier with 88?

*taking notes

I still think it’s way worse for my needs in enlisted. :tipping_hand_man:

Nah is possible, the US certainly need a Pershing to counter Tiger IIs, the germans can have lot more vehicle to play with

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Its a pretty good tank. But I spent all my time in the Super Pershing. I enjoyed that much more

Probably my most played tank, or even with Jumbo 76mm

The British did use a specialized variant of the Churchill with a large gun (a mortar in fact) which was employed for demolishing bunkers and buildings. It was named Churchill AVRE (Assault Vehicle Royal Engineer)