Maybe it’s time to grant Javelin missiles and M134 miniguns to new players.
Just kidding, but that’s how skewed the strength gap between each campaign is on one side or the other.
US have a plane with nuke rockets and a fighter with two 250kg bombs… let alone MGs who can shoot STRAIGHT.
What else do they want?
agreed , also bots should be able to use tanks, planes and overall perforfm bit better… though i understand only very small bunch of games nowadays can claim that its bots are doing fine but bots are also one of main reasons why people like me play this game
A high level playerbase which actually has that plane unlocked.
…If you can’t find them via searching, it’s a bot.
Someone wasnt able to find Shiivex, at least not instantly. So is he a bot?
P-47 is unlocked before the Panther and the Panther came after the P-47.
Yes, but we still need a larger group of players who have the P-47 unlocked. That’s all I am asking for. And maybe for them to have the M4A1 so thet can bully Tigers harder as well.
P47 is level 20+ after 2y of the release i think almost all the old playerbase have it, only they at moment are have fun with the stg44
Yeah, every old guard player should have it, but Normandy Allies issue is that the vast majority of it’s players are completely new to the game.
I’ve never experienced that, I would assume user error.
Well. We have them but they used to slaughter bots in Tunisia only and now in Asia.
most of the time its bots they dont talk I click their names and 90% dont show up. yeah so its dead in my opinion but what ever I’ve only played like 2000 hours lol.
I said it once ill say it every time. We mostly Quit playing it as Axis… Also all the isues I was reporting at time time and since. Be it the fighters not doing any thing or trying to kill alie tanks. I even posted the Vets discord showin no chat for over 9 mounths now. I my self just came back 5 or 6 months aparently after they gave JU188 gunners. The only damed usful thing they did so far.
yep I started the game with maxing the normandy Axis then went on to bigger and better things honestly the ju 88 for me didnt need the gunner I drop bombs across the battle field get 20 kills then die rinse and repeat
I used to bomb enemy plans and keept up as long as I could. At the time I was usin the 109 with the 250s till the screwd us over with 50s. lol I flinaly got it to lvl 22 goin on 23 lol, I was screwin with it to see if they fixed the guns on it but ended up using it more as a bomber. Even FW is sitting at lvl 22
Like I said befor Our guns dont have isues killing plans and are more efective then 109s FW and BF110 and ME110
Huh. What server are you playing on, OP? Those scorecard shots look more like my experience playing Axis Normandy over the last week or so here on NA. I think I won 1, ~maybe~ 2 of the ten or so matches played. All the rest were Allied players just farming the Axis bots/noobs.
I win 90% of axis matches but maybe 30% of allies matches and the levels for me are similar