The game really needs night cycles

I really think that a night cycle would not be bad for the game, I suggest adding it, it would give more variation to the maps


i belive it would be cool at a veeery slow pace. like the sunset! but if it’s displayed like in real time strategy, it might feel a little odd to pass days in 10 minutes or someting

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ah yes.

having to abuse gamma left and right across each map just for being able to see and end up getting shot by someone in a dark room because i can’t see them or a bot because they don’t care about lights.

i’m not sure what’s or where’s the appeal of night stuff when we can barely see already in pitched dark rooms that sometimes we have


Given the natural darkness of maps, no.

Adding night fighting would either incentivize people to use lower quality lighting and shadowing and raise their gamma. It would blind players by default, and incentivize tinkering with graphics settings to actually see what’s going on.

On the other end of the spectrum, it also means that night maps would be unnaturally lit for the sake of gameplay, and then upturn the balance of maps into places where there are light sources.


I belive it would be cool to have some night urban fights on the D-Day! The light would be an interesting strategical factor! Since we can destroy power poles, it would be cool if certain buildings could be set to darkness!

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That means the attackers will need to use flares on the attack if they want to see what they’re charging into


It was tested in other games, but players were not happy.


i made an attempt to make a pve in the night at saint mere eglies because i thought was cool.

until you hear the bushes speaking germans and getting killed at every corner without knowing who to thank for despite me having placed each and individual soldier ( therefore knowing their exact location as i’m the creator of my own mod ).

but let me tell you, it’s simply not fun. you can’t see shit


As a passionate pilot, I’ve endured fog, sand, snow, you name it. My eyeballs have pushed a hole into my screen at this point, from just trying to spot targets for my MGs.

It really doesn’t need to be dark to double down on the visibility issues.


Skip to 3 minutes and 21 seconds and I wouldn’t exactly mine the night raid

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do bots tell the difference ? :laughing:

You don’t just aim for the side of objective your allies aren’t?

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ah… excellent depiction of night battle… not… ffs you will see various rats that abuse gamma correction/various filters to kill you from wherever while you will not see them unless you abuse same settings. also if you use flares they will be mostly be detriment to defenders cause they will be visible, while attackers could flank from anywhere.


True but still having flares would be interesting and it would be a nice change from these bright sunny maps

Flashlights! first this

Enlisted night maps are unintentionally realistic but bad for gameplay.
Illumination is a big problem from the start of enlisted and devs couldnt solve it.
Bad news: illumination requires too much work for any game.
If you are developing a horror game, current illumination is actually perfect for setting.
Bu we are playing an arcade fps game so they need to find balance between night atmosphere and gameplay.

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What about the illuminating projectiles? And make the spotlight truly illuminate the clouds?
However, I dare not overestimate the engineering level of DF

Heroes and Generals had amazing night battles, didn’t obscure your view, but still felt different than day time battles.

night cycles will not work with this matchmaking system, because you can’t choose what to play.