The Best Gun In Enlisted

if you lower the rof it would be a better gun, the only problem of that thing is that stupidly high rof.

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Its easily the best SMG in game but I would like a video doing the same however you cant give it to every soldier. Thats what the screeching wehraboos miss

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Might be because its an assaulter weapon(so not available to literally every soldier) and russian assaulters are especially known to dominate at close ranges


And what prevents you from giving ppsh 41 to all stormtroopers, to give avt- abc 36 to ALL fighters? And if you add dt 29 to thisā€¦ You will have overwhelming firepower! in fact, in your squad, 4 mg 34 without recoil, for 71 rounds!

I actually want ALL automatics restricted to specific classes but the FG42 II is just the largest stand out by a large margin


Probably anyone with 2hour gaming experience could do similar video with any gun after all 95% of time your shooting bots, 4% of time players that equals bots and 1% someone actually shoots back at you.

says the grey area camper that cant shoot the mg port cause its too hard its incredible to me that u spend so much time sucking and being worthless

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its called assaulter squad only 4 allowed in the squad where as with the fg42 it can be spammed for every one witch is why its more powerful than ppsh is limited in its use as the fg42 isnā€™t so your argument donā€™t hold water

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I thought its you who spends more time whining about panther & FG than playing the game.
But no worries all it takes is some L2P and Flank it.

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awww poor baby are you still here do you need a tissue this long after being told to l2p you poor thing well u better flank your way out of this conversation and into the grey area like your good at

lol after you spent 8 months crying bout jumbo/Thompson non stop i cant hit mg booo hooo its to small like my manhood we need panther this is what you sounded like for months

Well. You cant hit the mantlet which is bigger than the mg port.

i have no trouble dealing with panther but that donā€™t mean there not broken


But its unskilled if people complain about the Jumbo?

yes the jumbo could always could be killed un like the panther it shrugs off det packs thatā€™s on there roof not on tracks or near literally on his roof then you cant pen with the 75 mm the m1 bazooka does no damage so tell me how thatā€™s not broken thats the difference between me and the other bozo that it is a skill issue he sucks thatā€™s it plain and simple

Honk honk.
You mean the mg port? Yeah. Totally comparable with the mantlet which is like many times bigger than this bugged hole.

You usually throw them on the back or under the tank. The Germans stopped deploying ammo on turrets and you wil have it easier to kill the driver and the mg gunner too. Also you always cripple the engine or the transmission.
Throwing at the turret/ roof is dumb. Aside the mentioned reason is possible that the charge could drop or sth. like this, even while cooked.

Use 76mm.


i will use a 76 when they add a proper counter not m10 open top trash 3.3 compared to panther 5.3

you keep proving my point it cant be killed by det pack it takes more than 3 to fully kill a panther

Your fault.

Throw it UNDER the tank.

Glad you decided to stick with PIAT though.

if you throw it there it does damage some times its not a guaranteed kill some time it only hits the tracks

i havenā€™t used piat for 11 months now and ill never go back to it