Testing the next update (November 15)

Game crashed to desktop after login, tried 3 times, the result was the same.

The german squads got cool customization but what did you do to the NKVD squad…

It looks so goofy…

What was wrong with the officers hat in moscow or stalingrad?

Why the fur boots instead of their leather boots?

Aw man…


I found you guys want to add a “dirty” word filter, i find it hilarous, no offense.

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after I log in, the game shows clouds then crashes to desktop. Rebooted and same issue. Tried directx 11 and 12 beta - same issue. This is only an issue with this test version, regular enlisted is flawless

update: this problem seems to have went away on it’s own. I launched the game again moments ago and was able to log in successfully

Yes, they both

Devs always can change this value if 20 minutes will too long

Delete settings.blk file from the game folder, it should help

I will keep note of that and thank you sir

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I like the ZF4 on FG 42 2 more tbh

Any chance for more soviet and japan customizations??


the NKVD bought themselves Uggs on black friday


Please revert the change for the scope of the FG-42 2 scope it worsth than what we have before.

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Really bad change I prefer when it was full screen the scope

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why not fixing every important bugs like the silver income from standard and custom battles?!
when the battle result show that I earned 3.000 silver in standard battles I only get ~2.200-2.400. Same with custom battles against bots - battle result show 600-700 silver but I only get 200 silver or when fullfill the requirements with full players its the same issue like standard battles

until now no really respond from your DEVs and / or fix!

It’s not about liking the shape or aesthetics, it has DIFFERENT ZOOM on different rifles - x8 on FG 42 II, x4 on Gewehr 43

“Increased the reinforcement score penalty for squad death in Conquest missions.”
what does that mean?

(Preliminary patch notes of update (November 15)):

G41 M, finally. Still waiting for FG42 partial reload and other various pistols to be fixed XD

Also, bolt action rifles reload with a full clip even tho there are less than 5 bullets left in the inventory. (except 10 rounds lee-enfield)

Bolt action snipers have a visual bug in which there is a bullet is left in the chamber when empty reloads.

Already reported in the support but no response so IDK if moderators there really read it.

And please, balance the content distribution. Japan is like a minor no one loves which got far fewer events and stuff per update than any other factions this year.

More ticket per squad

It’s almost the end of the year, and the roadmap is still a joke.


Maybe this is the way it should look like in the first place xD I like it better, really shows how small the TK is

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Delete settings.blk. It will revert your graphics settings, but will fix this issue.