no matter how many balances you try to make, HA by nature and default isn’t balanced.
let alone if you were to make an attempt, you’d have more than 6 queues.
it simply would become a flawed game which won’t stick nor appeal to the masses of arcady players that enlisted has.
if you have a relatively sucessful business ( which i’m not claiming enlisted is, it’s… going ) you will not switch your business model or rather, target just to appease two or three people.
you might make some tests, like devs did.
and it turned out even worse than the anti merge of current build.
which turned into an hard rule more than anthing, and people didn’t liked it.
not many people were in favor of it. and not many others either tried to fully defend it.
there wasn’t much to build upon.
which inevitably, wouldn’t have worked because again, you would have go against people in the same campaign with the most optimal weapons and what not.
which does happens somewhat now too.
except it’s less targeted.
have you… actually played the play test?
to be quite frank with you, judging by this comment, i have an impression that you didn’t.
anyway, guess we have to agree to disagree.
not gonna spend more cents on the matter as it’s relatively a good thread. ( and don’t wanna go off topic or get blasted by some mod because lately someone is trigger happy )
What about the idea of adding a paint mode where the player has a brush and can paint the tank as he/she likes?
People who care about the appearance of their tanks are free to paint them themselves.