Tank Camouflage And Customization

Ever since the merge, I believe that tanks customization, regarding the camo has been ruined. It may sound childish or pretty idiotic, since some of you may think that camos may not help, but it certainly can play a big part in visibility. The problem I have is that I think I’m getting spotted by infantry or even pilots more easier, and I think the desert camo they now put for tanks like the Panther G for example, plays a big part in it.

It should be made so certain tiers have a different set of camouflages due to the random campaign selection.


i agree i feel naked without them when driving


I’m currently trying to upload a picture of the example of my suggestion, but its saying that I can’t post embed media items in post.
Does anyone know how to fix this or do I have to be a member of the forums for a certain amount of time?

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This :point_up:t3:


I agree.

Wish to get presets for tanks like customization.

But it wasn’t planned so, might come in a few years if we are lucky.


Thank you for letting me know.

But overall, I do agree with you.
If not, I think they should make it like war thunder, were you can get a certain amount of kills or activity with your vehicle to unlock camouflages.

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snow camo on snowy maps, desert camo on desert maps. Makes sense to me


I agree. Because there is no point of desert camouflage on BR III tanks if they’re not going to be fighting in Tunisia.

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Update: Meanwhile, I made this example on what I meant by how Ranks can affect camouflages:

i’d rather that tanks gets access to most if not all camouflages.

because players can take such vehicles to customs and in other theaters.


i’d propose:

alongside some presets like squads gets, but on tank should just about do it.

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What I basically meant was that in those ranks, tanks within them would have those camouflages as base camouflage which they can change if they want to.

I also suggest that when you rank up, you can unlock those camouflages and put them on any tank of your choice. Even though that’d probably be unlikely.