Always happy to get more swords! Just dismiss the negativity fest from all these people who feel entitled.
Good for you but when it comes to a PvP game this is absolutely terrible but I guess at this point no one really cares about that aspect anymore
disappointed event
No offense, even though it’s a compensation event for the delay but seems they chose the rewards with the least beneficial as possible for the players… Come on, you can do better than this.
They don’t care so just start handing down to everyone And let it be a carousel of all the
I dislike you but jokes don’t exactly help when we’re falling off the Cliff at this point.
and if I remember how that thing ends it’s not exactly a happy ending or we all gonna be hanging from crosses by the end of this
Not a single GO as reward? Well… I expected something more tbh.
OKey, it’s better than nothing.
Sword only challange when?
Even pistols would have been better, maybe if having a sword out game the enemy reduced accuracy it might be worth using. The problem with swords is we have flamethrowers, shotguns, smgs, machine guns, bayonets. I mean when the last time swords were useful the American civil war. At least they could have given us the pistoltanas.
60 kill with melee weapons - 1000 silver XD
And I guess you could have tried at least making some things somewhat interesting for Japan but guess giving them a bamboo spear is too much work.
And I’m not referring to you I’m referring to the developers at this point which I even question if they exist
At least make silver more plentiful. So much grinding for so little silver
I need OG Rising Storm achivement: killing an enemy flamethrower with a sword, called fire fight!
sword attack is much slower than a knife, i used katana and its worse than knife in many situations
Traitor we only use down here
Daaaamn thats kinda cool ngl