Suggestion: Economy Improvements - With Math!

One of these days… maybe. Thankfully, I’m not concerned about silver or gold anymore.

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Hopefully man


Everyone please, keep spamming comments here, we need as many people to see and support this as possible.


Yes agreed. I feel so sorry for newbies here.
Personally, I’m not struggling for ingame currency - with tons of old pre-merge squads I can sell for 10k each plus all the soldiers that frees up which can also be sold… but new players are all penniless unless they grind 24/7 - so most will just say ‘sod this !’ and leave.


I was wondering where the comments were … but I was slowly seeing the likes increase :smiley:


As an addition, BR 1~2 weapon should be as cheap as possible, like 100 sliver each.

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Is it time to intensify efforts?

I think so.

Doubling the silver gain is a big leap. I don’t disagree with you, but it should slowly be ramped up if they make any changes to it. The worst thing that could happen would be they made silver gain TOO easy and then had to nerf it a 2nd time. If that happened the community would implode

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As i explained, they effectively dropped it by 39% before … this makes up the bulk of that double.

I only ran out of silver and bronze orders when I was excessively spending them (25 Mp717 XD) but now buying and upgrading 2 guns takes a significant toll on my silver. Honestly silver gain should have increased instead of decreasing because the game got way more competitive, any soldier with bolty sufficed to shoot AI but now that we are fighting actual players, you need good perks and guns.
The sad reality is that newbies are still destroyed by veterans with max upgraded soldiers and weapons, things just got worse because now new players also need to worry about silver not just progressing.


30 likes in 3 days is probably too little for the developers to pay attention to this problem. On the scale of the game, there are too few people dissatisfied with the economy and expressing their opinions about it.

strange i haven’t seen a shill coming up to school everyone else how they have to " make " moneys despite ignoring half of the microtransactions, but i’m glad it got a sustancial positive support.

now we’ll just have to hope.

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well, most post don’t actually reach above the 20/30s.

and if they do:


doesn’t mean they will pay attention either way.

sometimes they do listen on smaller threads with no support at all and act on it.
like they did on the patches uniforms on the us soldiers, and the guy asking to cancell the panther because it was from ss.

just saying.


Does anyone have any ideas on how we can attract the attention of developers?

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That cosmetic post was so good that even some of the community team liked it. Its such a shame customization is in the state its in for both infantry and vehicles.

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well, i’m on a huge dose of hopium for the time being,

so maybe, and i say maybe, james was right.

the customization is a bit in a shamble because previously, they had to create 20 of the same item for all tunics and what not.

few updates ago, they managed to create a single item and give it coordinates for various tunics with reference points.

so, they started to undo some of the old process which wasn’t very efficient and there’s alot to go.

anyway, as long the … recent and other thread doesn’t get listened,

there’s still chance.


no we dont, maybe we can just keep spamming until someone takes notice but nothing is guaranteed.

The CM’s don’t generally post in the forums outside of bug reports and the official posts from what I’ve seen. From my understanding they do read all the topics, but do not comment unless needed. Even changes that I have seen that seems to have stemmed from forum posts, generally are not "acknowledged from them on the forums.

It would be nice to have acknowledgement that things are being considered, but emphasize that it is not guaranteed to occur, so don’t get our hopes up, but they generally don’t do that.

As a average player in enlisted around BR 1-2 and earning average of 2k-7k xp. It is painfully hard to get silvers for a decent PPS-43 for my whole assaulter 2 squad. Since Assaulter 1 is replaced with medic… I am forced to grind to assaulter 2 which costs shit ton of 7k silvers. Darkflow should really buff the silver gains.

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