Stuck in BR III-V because of Sd. Kfz.251/9?

Hi! A while back I got the Sd. Kfz.251/9 APC from the event. All of my weapons and the rest of my equipment for the Germans are BR I-II, but since the APC is BR III I am stuck playing BRIII-V matches. I can’t put it in reserve either so am I stuck with this until I unlock the other APCs later in the research tree?

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The solution is pretty easy. Just do not use this APC. It’s not worthy.


Once again this is a good opportunity to mention the original or first model of the 251/9 that didn’t have an MG 42 stared service in 1942.

I say why not add this variant and set it at BR 2


Well I wanted to put it into reserve so I wouldn’t be matched in BR3-5 but I cant. I have 4 infantry squads and 1 tanker squad and this darn APC. I can’t put it into reserve because it says I dont have enough squads then. I don’t have a plane unlocked either.

i still cant believe they put a sdfkz in 3-5… well it makes atleast that Premium sdfkz useable at BR2.
First Time i see Premium as P2W.

Or Devs thinks 3 German APC compensate the Paratroppers which Germany doesnt have at low BR


If I am not wrong. You bought a premium account so you have 4 infantry squad slot and 2 vehicle slot.
The game will automatically put in a squad into the slot if a slot is empty.
So the sdkfz251/9 squad is automatically put into your vehicle slot and you can’t put it into the reserve.

The only solution is to get any low br vehicle squad asap and replace the sdkfz251/9 squad. Unlocking a plane (HS-123) that gives you a squad is the fastest way if you don’t want to buy any low BR premium vehicle squad.


Thank you! I did that, researched the first plane and put that instead of the APC.

I don’t think that’s a good idea atm. Now that there are only 3 German APCs in the whole game. It would look really cheesy if one of them was just a copy paste.

On the other hand, it would create a reason to give the current (later war) version Heats that it historically had. It would be much more fitting to BR3.

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Ah…no, it’s BR I-V matches
unless you have other BR IV stuff

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I mean it’s not really a “copy and paste” if it’s a different model. There are already tons of variants, productions models, etc of guns and vehicles. That’s the point of a WW2 sandbox, as many toys as possible

if you wanna great P2W example without looking at paratroopers look at the Soviet MG squad

10% damage reduction body armor and no movement penalty with that weapon and it’s better than a STG and two combat engineers who can build machine gun nest and HMG and anti tank gun and AA gun.

Replace it with an infantry or your tank squad then. You only need 3 infantry and 1 vehicle squads and APC’s are entirely uneeded for anything

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i understand this, as i posted the exact same thing

maybe it makes them understand more

It really should have been br2.