Squad Unit name Customization

it wouldn’t be a bad idea, if it wasn’t for the fact that…

if i would like to have para units, why should i or anyone else be forced to switch current units to something else, and it still won’t be a full para unit because of the campaign in question ( since you cannot select them ) not to mention, no tunisia ( outside one squad ) nor stalingrad or even moscow squads have any paratrooper customization.

( which the same applies onto volkssturm, etc although, for the civis makes sense to appear only in the bulge and berlin. but even there… they don’t appear in the battle of the bulge for some reason… )

which, that’s the next biggest problem is;

yes it does.

customization are hard bedded within the squad of campaigns. with sets for each.
and i believe the same goes for the squad icon.
( which would explain why apc don’t have tunisia customization, and many others over several campaigns. because it’s dependent on the squad it self, and not on the campaing. next problem is, you can’t reuse the same squad for the same cosmetic. i learned that the hard way through mods. due to being spaghetti coded, you cannot have more squads with the same icon / id unless are actual different squads. otherwise you’ll won’t be able to use your own squads )

not to sound rude, but df had a platera of problems trying to keep squads and gold orders/equipment etc,
now making them be aware of the squad that you have, their weapons, their customization, and flip it to something else ( especially since, those cosmetics are once again hard coded per campaign AND unit ) sounds like a recipe for disaster.

the idea is good, but the implementation and the hussle i’m not sure would it be worth the candle.

instead, they should first separate the customization to the squads, increase said customization to allow whatever the hell a player want within campaigns, and then be able to change an icon accordingly.

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If I understand your idea correctly, I believe thing like that would be nearly impossible thanks to spaghetti code.

They literally couldn’t even add proper premium engineer soldier to old premium squads. And now, you basically want to merge several squads together.

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I am not sure what you mean. The squad type remains the same, only the customization will change.

It is not like they can’t add it?

This is literally the suggestion to change it.

They can’t or they don’t want to do it? Remember you didn’t pay for the engineer. I doubt dev will be that generous to give you a premium engineer soldier.

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it doesn’t.

each icon you see, it’s an actual squad which you can’t have the same squad more than once because the game is spaghetti coded.

it means adding 30 or more template for each squad just to accomodate them.

and planty more if you have to add volkssturm units, or soviet amebas squads, or british etc

well, no.

because you’re asking them to continue this hell path of adding templates copy and pasted that the more you go with it, the harder will be to change cosmetics with it.

i admit i’m not the best one to explain,

but essentially, the more templates of squad you create, the harder will be to tweak all of them to include a basic selection.

( they could, and should start from stalingrad, make one giant and create them for campaigns )

like, the thing that they should do, is to separate the customization from squads.

it’s exactely the opposite as you are suggesting.

which they would then have to expand said customization based on campaigns AND NOT ON SQUADS.

to then separate squad ids from icons, and then allow icon customization.

otherwise you’re effectively making it worse for everyone else and somewhat themselves.

( even though, it seems they are keep going by the same way with no long term thinking )

I think the topic I made here We’ll cover that Problem

They literally wanted to. But they couldn’t. That’s why they just added an empty slot for a classic engineer.
(Btw. I personally like this solution more, since I can equip those engineers with GO weapons. They’re not binded to just one premium weapon ;PP)

well, i disagree with that,

because what you buy, should be available in all campaigns.

the campaign shouldn’t be more than a checklist of what can appear and what shouldn’t. sort of a HA ( i guess… ) filter

not force you to spend more and act as separate shop pools.
( considering the customization is already expensive as it is )

but to be fair, we might as well get rid of it.
considering the ammount of problem it’s causing.

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True but if they modify my suggestion and give us that second tab we want we can wear whatever cosmetic we want no matter where we are

i can’t agree with something that still contains and doesn’t widely adress said issue.

No half measures :no_good_woman:

legit, should be a desert, winter, summer and thundra customization.

or being per years.

anything over what we have is an actual improvement.

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It’s not a half measure it’s just giving us an option to wear whatever we want Without being restricted by the campaigns

True but it’s not gonna happen anytime soon so it’s just better to let people wear whatever they want without any reason

you’re quite optimistic about that.

and no, your suggestion just allows winter uniforms on the desert and what not.

hardly a rational suggestion nor really what is needed.
( although, works like that through mods. like, what you select and is on the screen, will appear in them mod. for example, being able to dress as volkssturm in moscow. that’s cool, and should remain for customs. but for the main game, more effort is required )

They keep screwing people over with their cosmetic options so I think it’s better just to let people wear whatever they want instead of just screwing us over whenever they want.

How the main game is right now I honestly think it’s dead and people should just be allowed to wear whatever they want

If the customization is separated from the squad, every squad still need a default customization for a campaign.
So we can still refer to what customization that squad has and assign it to the squad we want.
So this is still the same concept but different implementation.

except. once again, it doesn’t work like that.

because customization are tied to squads.

and as soon you switch squad, your customization will be lost.

and even if you theoretically somehow can work around this limitation, it’s not as you would think ( and you’d still have issue with a lacklaster customization ) to add problems on top of it because sooner or later you will have to adress it again and add missing items to squads that you just created/switched.


well, no.

because squads have different type of customization.

which it’s wrong.
and quite honestly, pointless.

the customization should instead, allow you to wear whatever you want ( of course, prevent oddities ).
and then, theoretically, the player should change the squad icon separately.

not having to still relay on those castrated template of squads that they referr as " campaign customization ".

because it is not.
( unironically, the " campaign customization " is nothing more of a historical wannabe chore. yet, half of the customization present in those presets for stalingrad or moscow, still has pea dot camouflages which are not historical by any mean. or unironically, misses actual historical selection. )

like, it’s everything wrong.

from top to bottom.

and allowing you to switch squad and icon won’t make any of that solved.

they should however, redefine the whole customization by campaign.

and what you buy, should tell you where it will appear so someone can make a better idea and mind about it instead of being disappointed by hardly thought out implementation in the name of campaign customization which ain’t one to begin with.

You literally want the customization to separate from the squad, I present you an idea on that scenario. Now you are telling me that customization are tied to squad, so you don’t want customization to be separate from squad?

yes, that’s precisely what i as much to the next person wants.

you, on the other hand, are still using the same old dated system that is one among the primary cause of what we have and why is wrong in the first place.

once again, to reiterate, the customization should be separated from squads.

which, you didn’t even know it worked like that ( i mean, i’m not blaining you for odd and shitty decisions someone else made )

i’m just explaining you why it wouldn’t work and it would require more issues and further micromangement as the further we go.

because once again, customization is tied to squads.

the actual " campaign customization " is nothing more than a nothingburger. an illusion.

we should aim instead, to separate the customization from squads and icons.
then make the customization go over the actual campaign customization and include the missing options as well as modify the others if needed, and then allow a separated squad icon customization.


My idea will still work using your type of implementation, I don’t find the problem?

that it would ONLY works if said implementation would come first?

because it’s very unlikely it would come in it’s current state.