it wouldn’t be a bad idea, if it wasn’t for the fact that…
if i would like to have para units, why should i or anyone else be forced to switch current units to something else, and it still won’t be a full para unit because of the campaign in question ( since you cannot select them ) not to mention, no tunisia ( outside one squad ) nor stalingrad or even moscow squads have any paratrooper customization.
( which the same applies onto volkssturm, etc although, for the civis makes sense to appear only in the bulge and berlin. but even there… they don’t appear in the battle of the bulge for some reason… )
which, that’s the next biggest problem is;
yes it does.
customization are hard bedded within the squad of campaigns. with sets for each.
and i believe the same goes for the squad icon.
( which would explain why apc don’t have tunisia customization, and many others over several campaigns. because it’s dependent on the squad it self, and not on the campaing. next problem is, you can’t reuse the same squad for the same cosmetic. i learned that the hard way through mods. due to being spaghetti coded, you cannot have more squads with the same icon / id unless are actual different squads. otherwise you’ll won’t be able to use your own squads )
not to sound rude, but df had a platera of problems trying to keep squads and gold orders/equipment etc,
now making them be aware of the squad that you have, their weapons, their customization, and flip it to something else ( especially since, those cosmetics are once again hard coded per campaign AND unit ) sounds like a recipe for disaster.
the idea is good, but the implementation and the hussle i’m not sure would it be worth the candle.
instead, they should first separate the customization to the squads, increase said customization to allow whatever the hell a player want within campaigns, and then be able to change an icon accordingly.