
let me rephrase, answering my question with the word money is a poorly thought out answer as it wont answer anything, they make more money, they save more money, it is money?

They save more money

and how do they save more money?

It allows flexibility, if they do ever want to make a massive super map for a special event, then its pre made.

how is this so, by adding onto a existing map you are limited in design choice

this is exactly what we are talking about they have made a “super map”

And as I have said, the devs have not really show any intent on utilizing said “super map”

YET, they are adding more content as having a large map and nothing to play about in it is not a good idea

yes, and Enlisted is already showing signs of struggling to keep players involved with long games

largely due to a lack of game modes and content, its always the same maps with the two game modes

So whats your idea to fix all of these issues in a single patch while also maintaining the playerbase

if it is a patch then it is fixing something, not adding something, and no this is not something that can be fix in a single update/patch

but adding a lot of low quality game modes quickly designed for the map, relaying off feed back and then fixing them as time passes would be a optimal choice

By definition patch means to add something to mend something, but I digress

that sentence is the penny on the tracks for me

By definition patch means to add or change something to mend something,

Yes, as I said, but you seem to like to repeat me

as do you

First, to save time and resources. Your idea with smaller, independent maps would work in the game without campaign system, where all maps need to be different from each other to provide diversity. But when you need a lot of maps all based on the same/very similar visuals it is easier to make one big map and then cut it into sections. It is also not written in stone, they always can change fragments of the map if they need to.

Second factor is immersion. It is much more immersive when maps in one campaign are in some way connected to each other. So you can see some cool place in the distance on one map, but you get to play in it on the other map (monastery in Moscow is great example of that, I wanted to attack/defend it since when I saw it in the first open alpha tests. And devs delivered that map later).
Planes are also important here. When you are able to fly high in the air and see everything, you need big enough map to not loose immersion. What serves that purpose better:
a) creating a lot of independent huge maps with one high quality area (where infantry fights) and the rest being only ugly, low quality models
b) creating one huge map with lots of details etc, where you can see all the familiar places from the other battles

dose not save resources, the server has to load more stuff for a small map, all the asset can be copied and pasted this saving time and space

be in most case game company’s that have done this do release some form large scale game mode

well only a very few people, i have never really seen a game where they segment the map into smaller area and most other people have not either as seen from other peoples reaction that all the maps are on the same landscape

witch can lead to large scale game modes for a fraction of the work once all areas of the map are fleshed out

this has been done in every single game i have ever played