Soldiers' poses/outfits mismatching bugs and selectable poses in the Hangar

  • Soldiers’ poses mismatched

    Click on the individual window, and he poses like this. Very cool pose that I know it exists today, which I like it a lot.

    On the squad screen, the pose is changed. The bug happened about half a year ago.

If possible, let us choose which stances we want our soldiers to pose. It’d be nice to see some QoL like this, so we could be able to see how many cool poses are there and the effort of creating this doesn’t go in vain.

The bug happened about the same time as the problem above. I remember our forum fellow said it’s about devs forgot to link the code or something.


Similar topic about suggestion and bug several months ago which doesn’t seem to be acknowledged for fix.

Practice strange seem to stick more with nation home ground which will by default choose those appearances but could careless soldier customization is very ass atm anyways

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The squad used to wear whichever campaign they currently displayed in the Hangar window, devs simply forgot to link the code which is said isn’t that hard to fix but probably got overlooked.

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