Soldiers models

I saw the update about the wind today and I was thinking how else could this game be improved graphically and I remember the soldiers models. I don’t know if it is just me but the soldiers models look off to me and I am not sure why, it might be because they look like they have squares for shoulders. (Know this might not be the most important thing to fix in the game but it is just a thought)


I had similar concerns today


The Soviet army has soldiers with Mongolian faces. That is not a problem, because the ethnic groups that make up the Soviet Union/Russia are not only Caucasian, but also include many Asian and Mongoloid ethnic groups such as Kazakhstanis and Buryats.
The problem is the U.S. military, which copies faces directly from Soviet soldiers. When you get a new soldier in a squad, you are pretty much guaranteed to draw Mongoloids. This seems unnatural to me because unlike the Soviets, the Americans divided their troops by race.
I think the U.S. Army needs to be reworked as well, as Mongoloids do not mix when playing in Germany.



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i shit you not, some 2005 era games are better in fact.

the worst part about it is how the gun/weapons perform while running, the soldier appears as if he drank a entire barrel of alcohol before the battle, plus i despise the 2nd hand raised up while holding a melee weapon, it just doesnt look nice

dont forget the fixing animation, that too is bland and robotic

i agree on this, plus add in the fact that enemy soldier footsteps are obnoxiously louder than friendly soldiers, which makes it real easy to spot or figure out where exactly the enemy soldier is

i would dearly appreciate it if they changed that, and that we hear unbuckling/rustling and shuffling noises before we switch to the weapon, to add realism

and the speed of the bayonet charge… it feels way too slow for how fast the soldier should really be running for the bayonet charge

speaking of reloading animations, they really should add more tactical/slightly crazy reload animations, but nothing too insane, stuff like bolt slap, detaching a mag with another mag, using one hand for changing mag, and using other for cycling the bolt. and of course many of the logical things when it comes to reloading like NOT CYCLING THE SLIDE ON PISTOLS IF THERES A ROUND CHAMBERED ALREADY.
i just hope that along with reload animations, they add more reload sound variations because right now many of the guns have practically the same sounds, mostly the machine guns

old games such as 2006 cod 3 have for example way better reload animations



I agree that it looks kinda robotic, what how can you change this? I mean, it’s a simple action: using a wrench to “fix” a part of the vehicle. I’d just like to know how can they improve this, 'cause itf there’s a better way let’s just ask for it.

The speed and the charge itself is unnatural, i’ve read that the way they usually charge it’s just at the end of the attack, in order to give a strong push with the bayonet.

This is also happening with the FG-42, and some other assault Rifle.

Oh man, this hit hard on the nostalgia. But yeah, even a 2005 game has better animations.

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Yeah exactly, and why is a soldier always holding his pistol with both hands, nobody does that only police officers. In WW2 holding a pistol with both hands wasn’t even a thing :joy:

CoD is sometimes criticized for many things, but it is definitely a TopTier game made by a group of TopTier developers. Even the older games look pretty good.
I usually play ArmA a lot, so Enlisted’s animations look quite rich by comparison. :wink:
Still, it would be a welcome improvement if the animations could be further improved. :hugs:

well, considering that ive wrenched before, no bolt/nut is easily unscrewable, especially not on something like a tank, so i was thinking about the soldier struggling to turn the wrench, or even tap it with his other hand, also the bomb arming/disarming animation should include pliers, so it doesnt look like the soldier is trying to cast a magical spell that will cause the enemy soldiers to float away.

yeah, so the soldier should just run normally with his bayonet in-line with his shoulders, and when he is at his target, thats when he should lunge in for the kill

yeah and its a real eye-rot to see, they should really have just 2 reload animations per gun in that case, the ones who have the bolt cycling animation regardless of the situation should have a 2nd animation where the soldier doesnt cycle the bolt, on guns like gewehr43, it should have a bolt cycling animation when the gun is empty.

yeah, they got many guns right, while some they didn’t, like mg34, the soldier just swaps the belt holder, doesnt actually open the belt cover and insert the belt.
but overall id appreciate if the animations were improved to something like the old cod 3, especially for the gun like gewehr 41, that thing would need a whole bunch of coding just to make sure the soldier doesnt load 2 stripper clips when he has only like 1 bullet left

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