ps. yes, i am bitter.
but like:
we did f***** warned.
legit, i’m missing 20+ dark helmets,
all of my US normandy cosmetics, etc.
p.s. i triple checked all of my squads, presets etc.
those are just gone.
so… what now?
It will be fixed or compensated
wait it is then.
thanks for the fast answer.
Same for me, i lost a lot of stuff. @Euthymia07
5 armor plate vatnik torso stalingrad soviets
7 black ushankas soviet
as well as:
14 white winter helmets for soviets in the battle of moscow…
7 summer peadot orange camouflagepants for germans normandy
7 black german steelhelmets for berlin
Also a problem:
Customization equipped before the update cannot be unequipped for the soldiers and used on others…
December 5, 2023, 4:18pm
We also lost the ability to customize the German Event Paras…
They actually KILLED customization.
There’s no way to equipped all soldiers from active squads to fit across 3~5 campaigns. If you only choose to equipped only one of the campaigns. What if the match you joined isnt that campaign.
For the money of equipping for whole campaigns, I’d throw the money to something like schusters and get real clothing capable for reenactment.
not quite.
they made some improvements.
like, if you equip pea dot camouflage you will be able to equip it in most campaigns ( talking about sg one )
but at the same time, they messed that one up since you have to buy 2 individual helmet of the same type across campaigns.
like, the sg helmets works on sg, moscow and berlin.
but for some reason, you need to buy a new one in tunisia. despite the other being equipped for moscow and sg.
they just didn’t bothered to fully fix it and address it.
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but once the merge will be out of the way ( and fully fixed ), they will be able to finally adress it. ( hopefully )
December 5, 2023, 5:10pm
Honestly, just combine customization as much as possible, Moscow and Stalingrad should be combined.
Normandy and Berlin for Axis