Sniper newbies (a lot)

BR1-2 Invasion (Defend)
I wonder what kind of player can lead this kind of team to fight a normal german BR2 team (with PZIII N)
there’s 6 of them just before i screenshot.
2024-08-02 012757

Games does need to teach new players that defending control points is everything.
And of course, playerbase/MM experience got some issues too.
Fortunately this torture only lasted less than 20 minutes.

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Snipers are satisfying to play. I don’t blame them.


I dont remember the exact new newbie expierence but part of the problem is that Snipers are available right away (unless they changed it).
So I honestly do not expect anything else.


Yes, they really should have replaced them with an engineer squad.


Nothing is wrong with playing a sniper.

Because Enlisted is a game for everyone - both for good and bad players :point_up:


Snipers are your default starter class

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Remove low-level snipers
Replaced with engineers


I do respect snipers who are skilled and can quickly eliminate threats at long range.

But the game I encountered was a city map. We were the defenders and the enemy was actively attacking, constantly losing control points. I don’t know what the point of playing sniper is in such a situation.

My advice to all newbies is to actively participate in control point battles. This will lead to more XP, team contributions and even wins, which is better for everyone. So I think the game should also be promoted to novices so that they can also regard control point as gameplay core.

So, is bad sniper gameplay wrong? Yes, from a team contribution perspective it’s a bit selfish, while “normal” player is trying their best to bring 1.5x xp to the team.

I agree, and my experience with the Allies lately has been similar. Lots of snipers, not enough assaulters - where the German steam players are generally the opposite. Lots of CQC and/or pretty smart with using corners, peaking around walls, shooting through walls (somehow), etc.

Sure, sniping is a valid game-play mechanic. Heck, I started out sniping and even my rather old ass got pretty good scores starting out - it’s what encouraged me to keep playing since it wasn’t the same ol’ sweaty/twitchy/FPS clone.

The trouble is when there’s an opportunity to capture a point, keep the game going - WIN, perhaps, and invariably, at least on the Allies side, there’s someone (or two, or three) players in the back sniping as if they have no idea that you can win or lose the match or if there’s any benefit for doing so.

Even in my snipiest of snipey noob days, I’d rush the point, if I knew we were were close to capping or winning the match outright.

I get that new players have a learning curve. BOY do I! But krikey, how much knowledge does it take to know there’s a point on the map and you should stand on the damn thing? (Whether it’s A/B/C/D/E, a shield, whatever). Again, I admit to being confused about red vs. blue - but ultimately, the goal is the same… OWN THE POINT.

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Forget it. As now everybody plays with tanks or planes, the best thing to do is get sniper and have some fun.

I dont have a problem with people playing as snipers, but clearly there are way too many sniper squads.
Darkflow should replace the starting sniper squad with an engineer squad.


You realize that’s not even possible, right? Is this sarcasm?

And yes, the game does need to teach people more (and the games have said as much in the current Roadmap) - and some good suggestions have been give people a free engineer squad instead of a free sniper squad.

Its also natural to a lot of players to move to them early on …as it allows you to relax and hang back (and hopefully learn maps from a distance). I know I started like that and eventually moved to being more aggressive to the objective as time went on.

You use a 7.92mm sniper rifle
He uses a 75mm sniper rifle
Everyone has a bright future

you know its not good when you are on attacking side , and half of your team is sniper campers

New players start with 1 tank, a sniper squad and riflemen squad, so not only they must use those snipers, but they also get into a lot of situations where they are pretty much forced to use their tank. Which is one of the reasons why in some games you get to see a ton of waves of M13 and Panzer II.

What they need to do is replace the sniper squad by an engineer one and maybe give them some kind of event/rental assaulter 1 squad or the medic squad as a kind of prize for their first battles. I remember that in Warthunder new players gets 1 really low BR premium vehicle for the nation they first choose.

I’m loving this topic.

Airplane and tank players worried about snipers?

Because they cant capture while planes and tanks farm kills?
