Since the PPSh-41 “Obrez” was added to the German tree can we please bring back my beloved MP-717(r)

Yes, I don’t need exclusivity. I can use it.

I got that off google

I feel for you…

You’re not alone in this case. Hopefully they will come back in shop just like Tunisia A20 and Stalingrad ugly flag pz4G

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stalingrad tank did not have a flag before so why did they add one?

well anyway like i said im not entirely against this since it means profit for me anyway

German Obrez may as well not exist since it’s a nerfed version of the Soviet Obrez.


i will take that post to make a suggestion soon : )


its because its loaded with 7.63 mauser instead of 7.62 tokarev

Bc it was a Stalingrad exclusive so it won’t be back

the pz4 G used to be a stalingrad exclusive, so what?

The load wasn’t changed for the tokarev until after WW2. This is apparent when you test surplus 7.62 Tokarev and 7.63 Mauser from WW2.


Yeah but the Stalingrad one had HEAT but one we have don’t it has the basic APHE, so what?