Simplify the Appearance Mode to only three: Winter, Desert, and Spring/Autumn

After merging the campaigns, each squads get an apperance mode for each campaign. I really don’t like how it is right now.

I suggest having only three apperance mode: Winter, Desert, and Spring /Autumn.

Winter uniforms are for maps of Moscow and Stalingrad

Desert uniforms are for maps of Tunisia.

Spring/Autumn uniforms are the universal uniforms, they are mainly for maps of Berlin, Normandy and Pacific, but can also be used in Winter maps and Desert maps.

The reason why I suggest this is for 3 reasons.

1. When I customize my soldiers, I have to buy items for each campaign.

Soviet squads have three apperance modes: Moscow, Stalingrad and Berlin. Among them, the maps of both Moscow and Stalingrad are on snow. And many of their appearances are shared.

But when I customize the apperance of my Moscow squad and enter into a map of Stalingrad, the apperance of my squad immediately changed to something completely different.

Does it mean I have to buy customizations for each campaign? Germany has 5 campaigns. Does that mean for each soldier I have to buy separate apperances for each of them?

2. The squads’ unique appearances are gone.

A lot of squads have unique apperances. After the merge, players get a lot of duplicated squads from each campaign. The only thing that makes them different is their apperances. But now the squads of the same type in the same campaign get the exact same apperance. Then whats the point of having so many squads?
Please make each squad different from each other. In the future, when more campaigns are added, more squads with different apperances should also be added. If the new squads look the same as the old squads, or if they only looks unique in certain maps, then why would players buy them?

I personally really like the assulter in Moscow, but I never had a chance to use it because I kept getting into Stalingrad.

3. The uniforms of the US soldiers look almost the same in all campaigns. Whats the point of distinguishing them?


Makes sense, but having three appearance modes may lead to have Volkssturm in Normandy


So what? We are already getting King Tigers in Stalingrad.

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normandy, north africa and pacific front are not really related to seasons of the year, its also different periods of war with slightly different gear available aswell, more so for germans and soviets. its messy at the moment and dont have nearly enough distinctive gear, sure, but campaign appearances are better. more options, more immersion (whatever left from it)

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The moment they decide to merge the campaigns is when they had abandoned historical accuracy. As a multiplayer game that needs constant balancing, it can never be completely historically accurate. Because history was not balanced.

example of why current system is okay which isnt about historical accuracy - moscow and stalingrad are both “winter” but in one I would prefer some squads to have white camo while in the other I would prefer all zee germans in grey-brown. in ardennes, also “winter”, I would want majority of soldiers to have white camo. same with “spring/summer/autumn” normandy-berlin, green hell vs. grey hell. current system allows this

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Then there would be no point of any customization.

An alternative to simply catergorize it by seasons is what I suggested on my thread. To summarize, there should be a classification of Winter/Spring and Summer/Autumn + Early War and Mid/Late War. Now to answer the obvious question that it’d increase the number of items you’d have to buy, no. Because you’d buy each item once, which could then be applied to every squad in that war period/season period. Items that are shared among all periods and seasons, like the german Stahlhelm or the american M1 helmet, would be available to every squad once bought, irrespective of the season.

More in detail here:

Another way is to add a year to each equiptment. Later campaigns can use earlier equiptments, but earlier campaigns cannot use later equiptments.

Well they are there anyway If you have lebel squad :stuck_out_tongue: (and take it)

I think this OP is a good suggestion in general.

That’s already a thing, you can be even volkssturm in Moscow thanks to label squad. They do have same outfit for every campaign now.

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I get you both but its not what I have in mind. I get that the current state of the game is a mess but it shouldnt be. All of it should be fixed in the future even if it isnt already. These troops should get different clothes by default which most likely wont happen with the system mentioned above

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Actually the best way to solve this is for the devs to stop being greedy fuckers and not force you to buy the same uniform multiple times for each campaign.


I was literally about to make the same post haha, especially after I did some terrible math, the Germans are in 6 campaigns (and the cosmetics in most are identical) so if we take helmet, torso and pants, which is 12 tokens for 1 soldier, now for a squad of say 6 that’s 72 tokens, now times it by 6 campaigns (i know they’re 5 right now but there’s the battle of the bulge coming), that’s now 432 tokens required to fully dress just a single squad of average size, that’s insane. The only other way I was going to post about it was by calling the tabs “tropical, temperate, winter.” haha.

If I understand correctly, they still want you to buy them separately…