Separate [1-2], [3-4], and [5] BR Matchmakers, no floater

Hopefully we’ll see things like Khalkhin Gol, Aleutian Islands, the Philippines, Burma, etc added for Japan as time goes on.

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Tbh any of the two ideas will do well. Just one thing I also ask is nerfing the federov rpm and putting it and the mkb in tier 4 as well as foldering both ppd’s in tier 4 and placing the kiraly in the same tier with those guns.

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What in the world? I seriously don’t understand how all of you think Allied BR III is so awful. We have one of the best SMG’s at the end of III, our best AT weapon, access to BR II SBD-3, the P-38’s with M8’s, decent infantry support tanks, all of our BAR’s

Like there’s almost nothing to improve. You can trade your hefty BAR for a HEAVY belt fed, a drum Thompson, the P-47, the M2 Carbine, and some weakly armored 76mm tanks

It’s really not much different between BR III and V. You upgrade from a solid plane to the best plane, and get one of the best automatic weapons for riflemen. That’s it

Mmm my favorite. Fighting the same exact thing over and over and over and over and over and over…

BR5 being by itself would make it incredibly boring and entirely predictable

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I don’t think he means every weapon in tier 5 games being just tier 5. Because you have to remember, one tier 5 weapon is all it takes to uptier you to tier 5. So you can have all weapons of all tiers how ever a tier 5 gun means you’re going into tier 5 matches. As that’s how the tiers work rn

That’s…how Battle Ratings work. You don’t get to put a 6.7 tank in your 5.7 lineup and get 5.7 queues. You don’t get to put a BR V gun in your BR II setup and get BR II queues

But still, locking BR V to a jail cell by itself would just make every match super uninteresting. Half the fun of Enlisted pre merge was the randomness! Will my enemy have Kar98k’s? MG 42’s? StG’s? Will there be a gray zone Tiger? A bum rushing Puma? Both? I don’t know! I have to load into a match and see
Thankfully, they did the BR system…decently. There’s still plenty of randomness to make each match entirely different. The locations of some things and the geolocking is…iffy, but it’s a relatively smaller grip. Even if it’s something as bothering as all of the Thompson’s are the inverse of what they logically should be
Other than that though? The game’s in a decent spot. Definitely needs work and some tweaking, plus new content is always welcome. Plenty of kinks to work out. Other than these small issues, I’m still thoroughly enjoying my favorite FPS game

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That’s why I wouldn’t mind the system I’ve been pushing on my post on weapon BR’s and queues for that reason. It’s because of the overlapping of the queues if they did 1-2,2-3,3-4 and 4-5. It doesn’t jail cell 5 by itself however it does keep 1 away from 3 and 3 away from 5. So you wouldn’t need to worry about getting thrown into Normandy when your lee enfield loadout is solely meant for Tunisia and pacific in mid tier fights.


I think this is honestly the best option if DF could pull it off, although my only concern is it would essentially double the amount of queues

Problem is ai DON’T worry about getting Normandy with my BR III loadout, and I can’t figure out why everyone else does

Yeah a playerbase division would still be the case however i think it would rather be a good one. Better yet could even be a good distribution of playerbase per queue.

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I respect that. However I on the other hand on the first day of the merge, got thrown into a Normandy game when I had bolt actions like lee enfields equipped and it was not fun at all. Matter fact I ended up quitting out mid match before I got a migraine.

Well I guess my setup is kinda ultra optimized

End BR III Thompsons in my Assaulter Squad
M1918A2’s in my MG Squad
And then a decked out AT Squad cause screw them tanks
Then usually the P-38 with M8’s

I run mainly rifle squads and they each serve different purposes alongside a few assaulter/machine guns squads. However with that being beside the point, I am gonna touch up on something JonerMovie did say earlier to me. Yes there might be quite the difference between 4 and 5. However the difference between 3 and 5 is even bigger by a long shot. So keeping 3 away from 5 is extremely ideal for that reason.

Just being brutally honest here, there’s just this disconnect. Everyone around me says III absolutely cannot compete with V, but I find it to be the contrary. I just don’t see where everyone else is coming from

I’m not saying you can’t compete with tier 5 players with tier 3 guns. Matter fact I think it’s possible. I’m just saying there’s a bigger difference in 3-5 than there is with 4 and 5.

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Hmm. Fair enough

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Ok just made map-to-queue layout. Lmk what you guys think


Or this

I agree your BR change, and you said what I want to say.

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I don’t care and I don’t want to know, IF they have that is unbalance game and I just waste my time to play this shit battle, I will quit Enlisted and play another balance game.

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