Sdkfz 234/3 found in the editor

On top of shitty maps. (For vehicle mobility)


As long as you okay with wheels/no turret combination. I’m genuinely curious to see how this turns out. But I’m definitely not optimistic about it. It sounds awfully annoying.

how come you didn’t even showed the picture?

it looks even cooler than it shoulds like:

comes with the autumn hinterhalt :heart_eyes:


It was hidden by moderators.

ah yes.

let’s hide stuff that anyone can see in the editor.

if they wanted to keep it hidden…

then… don’t introduce it in the game? or editor?

just like they did with the ezrat panther.

was practically unehard of up until the actual announcement thread.

that’s how you keep things hidden.


It has HEAT rounds i hope it will be BR2 i don’t want to be disappointed like with event german APC that not only misses heat rounds but spawns with just 4 crewman (instead of 6) and is placed at BR3 :-1:


New Soviet gun is also found in editor


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There is also basic sdkfz 234/3 i wonder if it will be added into the TT or not? It doesn’t have Heat/smoke rounds only APCBC

and HE




let’s hope so.

always great to have copies of vehicles with different loadouts to use in different presets

perhaps with this event, us will finally get the m3a1 APC

So is it APC or not? If yes, it should be BR2. If not, it should be BR1.

no it’s not.

i’m just saying that they could add it next to the m3a1.

since that’s actually needed

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Cool additions but they really neglected Italy where is my P40/new Semovertes/Celere Sahariano/P43?


No it’s a tank with 4 crewman.
If it was APC then they would call it APC in files.

Well, in that case it could be BR1 rather than BR2. I think Stug A and every tank with kwk37 is better than this vehicle.

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well, it has an mg42.

prolly going to be br III

EDIT: actually, the puma has one too.

so… let’s hope for br II at best

APCBC only has 52mm of pen like crappy event APC, Heat has 80mm or 115mm of pen depend which one they ported from WT and most likely the worst one. Anything higher than BR2 is a suicide for this vehicle.

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Tanks with kwk37 do have it as well, at least as coax.

But I doubt commander of this vehicle will be allowed to use his personal weapon. So even stug is more versatile.

Coax of fixed gun without turret is not going to be proper defense against enemy soldiers with EPs.

It should be BR1, not even BR2.

Commander can’t use personal weapons only MG.
And MG’s line of fire is really limited since it’s a turretless vehicle, so once you are flanked by infantry you are cooked.

Commander is completely exposed even without using his MG


Yep, that’s what I thought. And that’s why I think it’s even worse than premium Stug.

it doesn’t have to be better or worse though.

just… different.

i mean, it’s actual ww2 content.

( did we dropped the bar this low? eh… )