I’m getting that notification when trying to buy the M1919A6 after researching it.
I have the preceding M1941 Johnson LMG (unlocked pre merge and bought), this is not enough? I have to go back and research any stragglers in the line?
Thanks in advance.
send a screenshot (of you tech tree)
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I’m out now but all the Mg’s are researched (and bought, so none are green) except the Bren Mk1 which is way back.
Still need a screenshot later or does that clear it up?
Lemme know, and if yes then I can provide.
That’s probably
if you unabled to unlock m1919a6 and the message still persists, don’t hesitate to write me a message
Just to confirm, the way it’s supposed to work you only need the preceeding item to be researched and bought? Like War Thunder basically.
Ok then something definitely is wrong. I’ll send screenshots later.
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I think it is intended. I had same problem as described in
After today’s update, the phrase changed to
It sucks.
Here you can see what it looks like:
Then when I press buy, here is the error:
And here is the only one missing:
I suppose I need everything in the line and not just the one before it… Ah well, not the end of the world for this one, quite steep for some other stuff I want to grind though like the P-47. Will have to go back and get lotsa random stuff before it even though I am pretty close already.
Yep, you need everything else unlocked from the line
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Well that weird since I can buy type 2 smg without needing to research the other smg
Have you researched type 2 before merge? I could also buy weapons researched before that.
I did I research it
But tbh this new system is quite confusing
i also have the exact problem, could you help please?