Reinforcements received: Specialists

strange… i can say for certain it took my xp and not the score… but

i can be wrong. will check tomorrow.

So these guys get the ZH and AVS by default?

From what i have seen it counts battle score, for this event and even for christmass one.

Imo it will be like flamethower squad in Tunisia, you get stock AVS or ZH and you will be able to chose other weapons as well, like Mosins.

I do NOT like the increase in daily requirements.

It’s a step down a miserable path.


if its EXP , its actually lower the daily requirements right ?

On the matter of XP, or battle score, iam not getting the same, see below

This before i just play a game, 2007
This is what i got from game, 3247
and this is what i got, only 1,610 added?? even though, i scored 3247 xp, is certianly not the battle score??

But the next game i end up with this.
4103 xp

So even the last game don’t add up, on event had 3617+4103=7,720

@Shiivex you are right, thank you :smiley:


you have full prints? its probably the score under the Star on scorebord.

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so 15k xp as score xp is way easier to do than 10k base XP


So it’s score and not base XP?

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Yes seems to be

two question, the WA at end of name=Western Australia? or something else :slight_smile:

how did you get such a low number 302778 when you joined in 2022 :stuck_out_tongue:

WA = State of Washington in US.

Regarding number, I assume it’s from when I started enlisted late 2021 or perhaps from me playing 3 minutes of Warthunder a few years ago. I joined the forums many months after playing enlisted I believe.

To the topic at hand, isn’t the score under the star base XP? Why is it so confusing :rofl: ?

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Bit late to add a post to this but:

  • In general, cool event.

  • Some pretty cool rewards, I don’t care if the squads/mortars are “bad in-game”, because the stuff is COOL, so we’ll always see some people using them in battles. :slight_smile:

  • Don’t know why people are so hung up on the fact Germans don’t have a mortar equivalent to the M2. It’s literally just a mortar. And I can also point to many previous events where one side gets something and the other side doesn’t. It would only matter if the thing they were giving out was ridiculously OP, which none of these are.

  • Being forced to play everyday is a bit of a problem though. I know that’s the whole business model and it makes sense, but it is very annoying knowing if I was a F2P player and knowing I had something to do one evening during this event that I couldn’t get the gold order at the end, and as a result I just wouldn’t care about the event to begin with.

  • In my opinion, give us some leeway and give us 1-2 days we can miss and still get the best reward at the end. 1-2 days isn’t much to give players and much for you guys to “concede” to us, but it would go a long way. Especially with the whole psychology effects, such as where people may know they will miss 3 days but will still go for it as it’s closeby and buy with gold the last one.

  • Or, alternatively, give the gold order slightly earlier in the tree where one of the other rewards are, and replace the reward at the end with appearance orders or a number of silver orders, i.e. something cool/useful to have, but not essential, and I’m sure people would be more willing to grind for it/buy gold to get them after knowing they can get the best stuff already.

  • I DON’T think 15k battle score is much of a problem though. I achieved it in 2 battles today (got something like 9,000 in the first, 7,000 in the second). Now yes, people who can do this are likely in the minority (and often those that post on these forums will tend to be those who CAN do it this quickly), but for the general public it probably takes 5 or 6 battles, which is a lot of time investment everyday. 10k might have been better, as in the last event.


The every day aspect is a non-starter for me. I guess I could spend money and log in every day to spend it (maybe), but I have too much going on and don’t care that much. If I could grind a few days worth at a time I’d be in for it but every day is a no-go.

3 kids. A career to manage. Not every day is game time.

I like the event but think the every day thing should be reconsidered in the future.


Silly suggestion

Maybe in future, they could break into 1/4 and do a part every W/E over the month, would buy them more time to work on stuffs, just idea.

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Better enjoy those AT rifle squads while you can before the new progression system arrives with no new details how to address early, mid and late war campaigns such as the lack of a checkbox on which campaign one want to play like choosing a server.


4 games tried yesterday, all not fun, 11k points generated, no thanks I have a life.

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You think people do not need to work? You think they have time to play game every day?


While it is within my possibilities to reach the 15k goal in a reasonable amount of matches, that implies me being veteran enough in the game to know which are the best campaigns, tools and tactics to get the job done; and even then I will be “playing the event” instead of “playing the game”.

The previous iteration of this event format was so much more player friendly. Now, although “technically” still doable, it already goes down the dark path of requiring full commitment by the players EVERYDAY, the War Thunder way.

Even more so since the gold order for perfect completion is not really a vanity trophy, but rather one of the main prizes.

This is how you turn a straightforward and enjoyable event into a stressful one, much more likely to generate burnout.

Edit: also consider that this has been talked about like an event format that’s going to be permanently running, with a new iteration every month. Do you think most players will like the concept of “be forced to play X amount of time daily, or else miss out on cool stuff”?


No, most won’t.

You have fair points.

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