Reinforcements received: Paratroopers

The Party told him to

it seems they fixed lot of things
game feels better somehow

Ok, so, either they actually listened to us, or no one played the last event.
Anyway, this looks good to me. 12K points is still not the best, but at least it is closer to the original 10K.
The best part is that we don’t need to go all the way to stage 17 – I will go for stage 12, I don’t care about the squad skin.
One last thing. It would be nice to automatically claim a stage after completion. Last time I finished one, but forget to click on it. So the next day I had 0 stages done. Maybe also allowing the possibility to do 3 or more stages in asvance in case someone have a job let’s say.


people simply stuck at this page, can never log in by pressing the button.

Will the squads we get at stage 5 be chooseable, or will I be forced to receive the Japanese paratrooper squad. Hopefully it will be chooseable, cause I only have time for 5 stages…

I’ve noticed the cost of buying stages has also increased. Honest question: Could the money-grubbing get any more blatant?

Can someone please list the weapons Japanese paratroopers get with different loadouts?
Is it mentioned somewhere?
During the game I get just a spit second at the ammo box so I’ve only noticed them getting the Japanese bazooka (Type 5?), a sniper Arisaka and an LMG (Type 11?).