Recruit faction-affiliated soldiers from the respective nations

Please give us the opportunity to recruit faction-affiliated soldiers from the respective nations.
For example: Axis (Germany and Italy)

Unfortunately you can only recruit german soldiers here. Please add the option to also recruit italian assault soldiers, snipers, engineers, radio operators, …
Same procedure with Allis (UK / USA)


DF just need to add an option to change soldier nationality :parrot:

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The nationality will automatically change according to the squad.

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excuse me, what do you mean? there is no (postmerge) italian assaulter squad

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Just like I already suggested.

yep, Darkflow also has to make legacy squads avaible.
potentially there is a lot of money to be made on subfactions so Im positive Darkflow will eventually work on them.

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It’s now in the Legacy squad.
After all, the nationality of the infantry is determined by the squad, not by the infantry.