Pushing devs to do Proton/wine/crossover support

Recently, one of my old posts about Mac got locked up. So I made this new one. I hope that devs can support proton, crossover and other compatibility layers. I said this before and that was forwarded. However, no reply. That is bad. The benefit definitely outweighs the cost. Mac users are rich casuals, who are willing to bark up cash

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Nah, that’s normal here. I could give you several examples, but I don’t want to derail your topic.


If they aren’t even willing to try with Steam, what makes you think they’d ever release on Mac?

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Am I phrasing this wrong, I would like the anticheat to work on compatibility layers That is yet, nothing more

Steam deck use Linux=proton and the game run on steam deck

I thought steam launch was at least delayed for a few months.

The game is fully functional on steam and keep be updated ask @Adamnpee he have it, just the early access purchase is stopped

Yeah, I am one of 15 players who plays steam version on daily bases, lmao.


It’s a new thread, so:

images (28)

200w (13)

For the sake of continuity! :smile:


Combined we make up 13% of the steam population lol


Imagine… Imagine if Gaijin didn’t ruin Steam launch :expressionless:

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