Publish official match statistics

Can we obtain the winning probability of each faction on each campaign, the player/AI ratio, and more public statistics, so that we can have more reference when we think a certain campaign is unfair and be less affected by our own biases? This can also reduce unnecessary debates in forums and allow players to have a deeper understanding of the current situation of the game.

Although I think this is unlikely to happen because it is like expose their own blemishes.

By the way, can we get a replay API?
And get access of the information on the game-over settlement screen on the website.
Currently, you can’t even tell which side won based on the information on the website alone.

You cant. they dont even want to tell you how many real players the other team have just they think it will keep player playing the game if they got into a very unbalanced match

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I’m worried about this game

All credit to @robihr for these stats

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