Premium halftrack

But to return to op.

Dude, you’re not robbed, it’s ANOTHER apc you can use!

I found it difficult to place my squad into a single BR preset: high br weapons, or low br weapons?

Now I’ll have correctly equipped squads, in more br presets.


Yes, the non legacy Tanker II squad is British now.

You right, there’s something to it.

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I never have enough appearance orders so that idea doesn’t sound bad


it’s extremely frustrating having to swap equipment left and right because of the br and how preset don’t actually work as they should…

so, with more halftracks, can both have more loadouts as well as a mechanized/motorized line up

can’t wait for that.





It’s about standards and integrity. Yes America and Britain did share some things, but even if their factions are shared their arsenal should be distinct.

It’s like America did use some Spitfires, but everyone knows the Spitfire is a definitive British plane. Say the Spitfire isn’t in game and they were to finally release it as an American premium, I would slap my forehead CMON. Every Spitfire would be American! Atmosphere tarnished!

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Potentially they are only AT squads in AT halftracks (7.5cm short + Boys ATR) and not actual spawn points.

Will have to see when more info is revealed however; would be great to see ofc!


they are APC.

as they have APC settings.

( unless of course, they will change that at the last moment )

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Unlikely they would change that I presume.
If so wow; Axis funboys must be be pleased; 2 APCs to pick from, including some firepower

I mean now that I think about it, its kind of busted; say 4 APCs with 7.5cm + 2 tanks is 6x 75mm guns on the field at once :open_mouth:


if not mistaken, you can only field 2 halftrack at a time.

as there’s a limit there too.

but they can die from rocket launchers ( that US have such as piats and bazooka ) as well as from anti tank rifles.

they are not that powerful.

but sure are fun.

we’ll see how that goes.

after all, not everyone will be able to get it.

might be a high reward.

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premium should either be refunded or upgraded

upgraded with what an anti tank missile lol because i don’t see them adding a bigger gun

So I take it the Assault gun armed variant of the Puma would be a tank slot, while the halftracks ag is an APC

achtually :nerd_face: :point_up:

there’s the 251/22 with a pak40 on top.


but no. you got what you were paying for.


No its higher than 2 for the team, Ive seen 3-4 out im sure. Per player its obv 1 at a time restriction.

The 251/9 better be BR locked cause spamming that + Pz4s im sure will get broken in the right hands.

Boys ATR im less threatened by :slight_smile:

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i must then touch something over the editor as i tried, but didn’t allowed me.

yeah, most likely a br III considering the one with the mg being II


Premium squad one I presume has the stronger assaulter/ MG lineup. Im guessing the event ones will feature squad layout similar to truck APCs (more riflemen)

I don’t know if the AT armed halftracks would be APCs. MGs, Assault Guns, and Flamethrowers are all up the alley of infantry support with their role, while AT is more a specialized role. I think those would be tank slots

i do

and it is an apc:

also confirmed by the code it self:


( p.s. you can test it for your self in the editor. place an apc of any kind, give it the same team you are currently using, and you’ll see the apc can be selected to spawn on )

so… i highly suggest you to check things before landing your own takes at random.

just saying.

I wouldnt get too salty (also have the APC preorder), Im guessing the infantry squads ill be truck APCs with lots of riflemen vs the 3AR/2MG lineup of the premium squad. If anything youll dual and/or you get the much better CQB squad from the p2w lineup.

Additionally I expect the Axis one to be BR3+ as outlined above, while premium can go to BR2 battles