Possible British vehicle Reasearch Tree


Enlisted has nothing to do with historical accuracy anymore. Sadly it’s an outdated concept that ended as soon as Normandy Jumbo, culminating with as44 for Sovs.

Ppl wanted War Thunder system. War Thunder is all about prototypes, and it’s what we got!

Hopefully we get many of such weird paper tanks in the future, along br 6, 7, 8…

Once the steam valves open.

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Without the Centurion and Tortoise will be fine. Cuz Centurion is the first main battle tank and adding it will just invite the USSR to add T-44 and IS -3 and Germany is R.I.P. so we replace it with Black Prince Churchill ,Challenger and Archer. So Tier 5 will be Achilles ,Firefly and Black Prince.


Supporting the UK’s departure from the USA.


me likey even tho i think britain should be subfaction to US cuz of the player count making it another faction would hurt the matchmaking but im all for it

First actual game possible centurion tank prototype was made in April 1945, unless you want a “centurion” tank thats unarmed and unarmoured.
