Please allow to customize the F key for planes

Hi there,
Coming from War Thunder, we all use F for flaps. well enlisted is a different game for sure, but to be honest, this little request i have shoudnt be really hard to execute.
All i ask for, is to allow the customization of the exit plane key (F) in aviation controls.
So many times as i attack with a plane and i tend to hit R for rockets, i accidentally press F with it, and also usually i dont notice the “exit plane” warning and since i am barely making it up so not to hit the ground after the dive, i dont get the chance to cancel the F and so i end up parachuting with regrets when i didnt really need to.

PLEASE dont make F work for entering/exiting ALL vehicles. i still wanna use F as it is used exactly, just with the exception of planes.

please advice, thank you.


I am using F key for flaps (up) and V key for flaps (down) for about 2 years of playing and never had an issue with accidental exiting of a plane.

It simply has “priority” over my F key for entering / exiting vehicles and while flying it only works as flaps, same for V key that I use normally for marking, it won’t work there if I am flying and using it for flaps. For both I had to set up another key to be able to actually exit the plane or mark from the air.

If you can make screenshots of your settings, most importantly OTHER, but you can also show your PLANE settings.

Here are mine:

OTHER settings

PLANE settings

cant embed the images grrrr…
Well, i have my flaps very functoning on my mouse button 4 and 5
which i like actually, also my throttle is the mouse wheel.
to be honest, i dont wanna use F and v for flaps anymore, plus, i use V to mark the tanks as i dive. random Vs until it locks, u know that technoque, so i cant really change much and make it more complicated.
i think it totally makes sense for them to place an “exit plane” entry on the planes thing, make it F as default so nobody complains, and for the ones like me, we can change it

I changed flaps to F.

I don’t feel the need to bail out. go down with the ship.

I so often jump by mistake then the pilot kills a lot of people from the rage of the unseeded jump, i usually take that new medal called “best pilot after parachuting” lol
so i do like to jump at some point anyways.

also if u look at how war thunder has way more abilities in the controls!!! they are the same devs, its not hard to fix that. i refuse to change my flaps to F. they are just perfect on the mouse button 4 and 5.

i wish to revive this thread! hope this simple adjustment to the controls can be available the soonest. its not really hard to do.

Bind secondary for “use” to J or whatever you want (J will mess with engineer deconstruct if its a usable object)

then bind flaps to F and hey presto!


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well but that will mess up my tank exit… its a temporary solution tho. but the suggestion to have it seperate for planes still makes more sense in my opinion. not hard to implement and make life easier to all war thunder players, also any player too :smiley:

you mean tank exit alone? can always rebind that one or it doesnt have to be J :stuck_out_tongue:

but hey, just letting you know you can do it.

thanks! but what i really want is having F do what it does by default, got used to it and its intuitive already EXCEPT for planes. which i totally think its NOT intuitive at all to exit plane with a key that is very close to how u maneuver the plane. should be flaps, F = flaps :smiley:

oh. that does work. it still functions for use and everything else, as well as flaps. All that binding the scondary to use does, is let you bail out because the only thing share binding F does, is cancel getting out of planes.

F is still use as infantry, and get in and out of vehicle.

oh so u mean if F is for flaps, and also exit all vehicles, then in a planes pressing F will do flaps and ingore exiting? … let me try in practice :smiley:

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yes that.

Just keep in mind using J will cancel “get out solo” in tanks…you will need to use something else for either or.

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WORKEDDD thank uuuuuuuuuuuu :smiley:

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Happy flying!..or happy “not going down with the bird” I suppose…lol

hahahaa thanx! but wait, this ruined the tank/apc exit all crew! let me try to figure that out omg

All I can say is my tank exit/enter all crew still works “unless you order them to get back in”…then until you cancel that order F will become solo exit…

confused yet? lolol

play around. it can be done.

u said that up there, maybe i change the exit alone to anythign but J


ok now after a mess of things, i am set and satissfied! cant really rememeber what went where to tell u how i fixed it! but it works hahahaha thank you for your time sir :smiley:

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