Played a whole day of Normandy US, haven't win a single match LOL

well, outside the unecessary " skill issue " coming from, let’s face the issue.

what are your tactics.

spawn, grab a vehicle or be afk and blame the team.

works everytime 60 % of the time for him.

i still cant get over the 10% winrate on berlin axis event from him… maybe its the reason skill issue is higly present in this thread.

or any from him,…


Then where’s the rest of the infantry team does?
Yeah, carry the team.
Who cares.

Don’t judge. I’m a shit pilot…

nobody, but that makes us not complaining and actually win games.

not a brag of course, i’m not the type.

but most of the time i find my self carrying the team despite me not wanting.
which it’s part of the point.

play to win, or play to have fun.

i’d be a lier if i would say that i don’t hate when teammates are not very helpful, but all i do is make one comment ( comapring bots being better than human ) but then move on and keep playing.

i’m currently level 8 with the muricans, but that doesn’t prevent me from reaching the first place.

just strap your self with tnts, lots of m1 guarands, prise the lord, and pass the ammonution.

uncle sam financially supported our cause so we show them jerry what we know best,

use smgs and semi auto rifles and keep attacking that point.

if you are playing solo queue, you cant expect your team to do shit. if you want to win, you have to carry. this is pretty common knowledge for anyone who has played this game for a fraction of the time you have.

so unless your random teamates are winning by themselves (which they almost never do), using a vehicle in solo queue instead of contesting the point is the worst thing you can do if you want to win

use engy, rally points, and everything that can help you.

although, you kinda need a good aim.

more of a tanker? tankers are always good if you support your infantry.

even the shermon can kill most of the enemy tanks with HE under the tracks. ( except the pz III for some reason ). use planes if you have to, but don’t stick too long with them.

or play with friends and that solves your problem.


I already passed the point of carrying team is fun for me.
This game at this point. Just a “game”. If I am not related to this game, then I may already stopped playing this.
I dont pay anymore passion to this. Just let the match go by itself.

I of course know.
But dont you think it’s a pity when you have to group up with others then you could have a chance to win?

Well then, all of those get lower scores than me, especially those already get M4A1, performs so much worse than me. So what’s theirs position? Worse than AI?
90% of players worse than AI? joke.

i’m going to be honest here, i prefer the 34PT and BARa2 over the 1919 since the those 2 fits my style the most (note i’m not saying that 1919 is bad lol)

Oh I know, I use the BARa2 in Tunisia, it’s like a magic wand that makes enemies disappear. Just mentioned that at lvl 15, I got none of the dangerous toys ppl usually complain about, but still win normally :slight_smile:

US teams winning matches :


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You AFK for battle pass then complain about your team losing? Sounds like Karma, imagine talking over a slot in someone’s team and literally refuse to play as a team. Admit it, you are also contributing to the problem.

Doesn’t count. You were not in a vehicle the whole match! (Thought your opponent was. Jumbo, probably :thinking:)

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no A2 is at 25, A1 is at 19

Switch campaign. Heard funny stories about Axis Moscow and Tunisia.

Already maxed them out months ago.
Also PZ4s arent that weak as most players think.

didnt even played a single sec inside a vehicle

i m having a issue for the past week or so.

i m shooting a full auto weapon and it just stops even tho no mouse issue on any other game …

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Funny, played all day US Normandy today and didn’t lost one match. Matchmakers are bizarre.