Personal Profile and the Steel Fortress event

Aww thank you bro for reply, and hope it can work one day, ie the Engineer part.
And as i have just learnt, you guys have a new years tree etc, hope you all have great day, thank you for nice xmass present, in the stats update :smiley:

Any intention of adding XP for Arty smoke players please?

good addition, but i dont see why the pfp rewards are only for 60 days? going for them makes it irrelevant, at least for me. Would be nice if they were permanent ngl @Keofox

the new Profile statistics is almost has the same bug in old Profile statistics. no Anti-tank,no semi-automatic, no Point Kill, no Average occupy points,no Stronghold kills , no Engineering facilities kills, no Average Engineering points, and the Custom mode data haven’t be separated, and so many things should Be perfected. for example : someone Choose to leave at the beginning of the match because they don’t like the map or mode, Is the result of the match had been separated? @Keofox

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Hey, will you address the recent soldier uniform randomization problem because it got alot of traction but no one in the development team acknowledges it in any way, so alot of people are in the dark on the matter. A simple “yes” or “no” will do. As for the new personal profile, it’s a good addition, thou the rewards from the event being for a limited time is weird.

@Keofox after 2300 points or so . we can only get 1 point per batle in the event.

1 point

there is no way to progress

some wins even give -1 point

what the fk is this?!


Yep, even when I win and play I go down in points now…wtf

Official answer here.
its just the way the event was coded. hopefully will be done diferent way next event.
a leaderbord shoulnt have a softcap.

Well, guess I won’t be playing this event anymore. Lame.

This event is not fun. This event is probably the least amount of fun I’ve had while playing this game.

Soldiers. Due to an issue, rewards for the “Steel Fortress” event were not awarded to the winners. We are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it. The winners will receive awards in the coming days!

Мы учтем эту проблему. Простите, что так получилось.

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