Panzer III E vs T-34

The pz3L.

Than what on Earth are you even talking about

Read and you’ll know.

(Hint: it was to give hope to the OP and his topic).

You’re not going to deal any damage neither from the front nor the rear parts. I’ve learnt a secret to blow this morons up to he sky. You must shoot them on the side, right on top the second “wheel” of the tracks (no matter the side)

And you may ask why, well: right on that spot you can find the fuel tanks, so with only two or three shots the t-34 is done.
Well, let’s just be optimistic and hope that the player that is actually using that tank is not a rat (as most of the t-34 users, whoever says the opposite is a commie rat) and it’s fighting in a reachable area of the map

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Really I wonder what the values for all the weapons like that are.

In the Pacific, I saw someone in a tower, shot and downed them, so they were no longer visible, though I could guess where they were.
Fired like 3 shots into the same spot through wood, first 2 missed, third was a kill. Arisaka sniper.

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I know wooden structures can be shot through, but doing so removes damage potential from the bullets/shells.

For example it’s doable killing someone through a wooden wall with an mp40, but you’ll probably need to empty your entire mag to do so (and because you don’t see where you shoot)

I just didn’t know the pz3L had such high penetration power that it could pierce a t50… through 2 wooden walls. Made me appreciate this slow moving tank a lil more.

Now I want to try with a t34. It uses a 75mm… it has less penetration power/ velocity, but (way) more “oomf”. Can it 1 shot any German tank through wooden houses like it normally does with clear shots?

Tanking is fun in Enlisted (if you’re not a grey zoning wuss), not gonna lie

It works - even for the E version of Panzer III.

But - the sloped armor is still the problem.

I tried shooting at T-34 with the mortar. 10 direct hits - still nothing.

I think that at my current level only explosion packs are effective against this thing.

(or maybe AT-gun but I did not tried)

T34 remains the king of Moscow. It’s fitting thought, as it’s strength during that conflict is iconic. It will one tap ANY German tank there, and you can only reliably shoot it from the side. From the face, if it’s angling even a lil, there’s only the turrets cheeks that you can aim at… and only if the turret is directly facing you. Which means you would get one taped in the next seconds.

It’s a fearsome opponent, so your best bet is to either ambush it, or if it’s aware of your presence, merely AVOID confrontation entirely, supporting ground troops from cover instead.

Not T34, but I have just got a great laugh in my last game inside a T50.
After getting all except one in my tank killed, I decided to stay nearby a flag as a stationary artillery.
After a while someone is shooting at me and I just thought"well time to respawn, but let me kill a few more", meanwhile it kept shooting at me from somewhere.
It turned out I killed 20+ more, before the PZ3E smashed into my right and get a zero distance shoot.