Ordering Ai to dig and build a trench or foxhole, Pillbox

is there any possible chance that devs would consider the ability to build order the ai to dig out an area into the soil instead of personally having to dig into the soil. Or add ability to ‘build’ some sort of pillbox, or small trench?

Or atleast have more options to build sandbags that provide a little bit more cover than the just a usual sandbag wall. Sandbag with small slit to shoot from would be PERFECT.


I’d be happy if my AI could just keep up with me on the battlefield since they are always dying 500 meters behind me, or follow me through a back building window instead of having to run around and use the front door where all the enemy is located. :rofl: Until DF can give a BOT basic common sense, I don’t see expanding roles for them. :rofl:

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