Since Japan didn’t have an event in a long time I suggest a cool event since neither USSR or Japan got this type of event will be nice addition. The event will give unique 5 man LMG guerrillas squads For BR III (yes they will be broken but not as broken as some event paras or combat engineers) :
The Soviet Squad is Equipped with DP-27 with suppressor.

The Japanese squad will be equipped with suppressed Type 99 with optics so it will be the first broken squad for Japan since the rest of the factions got their fair share of broken event squads this will keep the faction full with players since the Chinese event will bring a lot of players to US this will balance the things out.

Yes bro cause I want my Soviets to a suppressed weapon squad
can those guns even accept suppressors or is that something that was made up on the spot?
Well the Soviet Union began to take an interest in military suppressors in the early 1930s, and experimented with things like suppressors for the DP light machine gun. Through the 1930s a variety of different designs were tested, but none were found really suitable.
According to Japanese archives, the Japanese Army’s Noborito Research Institute researched and developed silencers however the only one we have seen its from US movie from 1944 and i really doubt either of suppressed machine guns where successful.
Soviet WW2 Bramit Silencer for the M91/30
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The picture is actually if you believe it or not a DP with bramit suppressor here is another image

Other wise there is SG-42 suppressor which is special suppressor made for DP
“OKB-2 tried to develop its own Bramit-like suppressor for the DP light machine gun indexed SG-42 (special suppressor model 1942). The SG-42 showed a number of drawbacks during proving grounds trials, namely that the automatic mechanism didn’t function when firing without bushings and with regular ammunition. The SG-42 started working normally after improvements were made. However, a variant of the Bramit was developed by then, which was accepted into service as the SG-DP (special suppressor for the DP).”
Beside that there was few other companies that made suppressor in USSR during ww2 with verity of success
As for Japan , Japan bought bunch of maxim suppressor but those were meant for rifles or at best maybe type 11 since they were bought early 1900s & 10s and by the time any type 96 or 99 was given to any soldiers I bet military had forgotten the suppressors
in the movie they don’t shoot it so we don’t know did they even work xD
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suppressed soviet dp?
now that’s not something has ever crossed my mind, but as a dp27/8 enjoyer, sign me in.
as far as it goes for the uniforms… eh…
i’m not a huge fan of reusing assets.
however, we could use assets that were in the game but never have been used.
like this fancy coat:

for the japanese though, new uniforms will have to be made.
because japan don’t have a whole lot of uniforms.
unless they want to use similar ones with a different color instead. ( like 60% of the german squads )
Yeah never expected this thing of all to have one 
Well there is many uniforms there is even Japanese cammo uniforms that are not in game i put those cuz we have them in game but there is a lot of options .
Yes would be really great! A Soviet/Jap MG squad event would be awesome