Operation "Earth Shield"

queue times fixed?

Gentlemen, does anyone know if anything changes from the standard difficulty to the hard one, other than the simple difficulty? I played two games (one on standard difficulty and one on hard difficulty) and I got the same rewardsā€¦
So my question is: does the difficulty actually change anything?

Nah, I just purchased every premium squad I ever wanted to try already, Iā€™m waiting for new faction stuff if they ever come, but time to time im going purchase silly stuff like those soldier because they are to unique and sick for donā€™t have them

As far I see it change just the self revive number but @Euthymia07 can probably answer this



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Iā€™ve got a technical question about the new Japanese event hero, maybe @Euthymia07 or another staff member can answer:

  • The Japanese hero comes with a samurai armour. Does that cosmetic piece provides the same damage reduction as Soviet body armour cosmetics?

Self revive being limited from 3 to 1
Enemies have double HP
On wave based events, the zombies in the waves change

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Are there different rewards?

Afaik you get more Halloween tokens

Btw you donā€™t noted I gave to the Germans one a showel By the emperor it was an insult donā€™t do it


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Is this legal again ??? xD


  • Has high disposable income (in other words, rich as *****)
  • Sold some WT items on the Gaijin market

None of the above.

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Confirm none of the above

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Do you know if the Japanese samurai armour provides the same bonuses as Soviet body armour?

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so i see that there are token that you can collect, how do these token appear? and how to tell if a house have a box in it? is there an indication?

Nope, I donā€™t know zombie donā€™t shoot

it doesnt, but it might later on

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I mean it can be used in normal mode too :thinking: