One day can complete how many tasks in enlisted?

One day can complete how many tasks in enlisted? I can get how many stars for my battle pass?

3 from normal and 9 from upgraded BP

wasnt it 4 since last BP season?

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It have never been 4

they did change to 4


Yeah, it’s 4 task now. Btw, idk about this BP but in the last season one completed task counted as two stars and not one.

Wut? Are you sure about that? Hard to believe I wouldn’t have noticed something like that.


yeah, it was like that at least the first days of the season, and ppl making a fuzz about it.
Maybe it got patched, since I having a hard time believing it was a feature they would implement with announcing it.

I’m personally pretty clueless/careless about silver/XP/Progression in general, I just play and don’t pay attention. But even this thing even caught my eyes.

Interestingly, I didn’t notice that either.

Anyway, I can say with certainty that 2 stars per task is definitely no longer the case. So it was probably just a bug.

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oh yea i remember something like that it was weird tbh since i havent bought the bp yet at the time but i aint complaining

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I’ve been buying it for the past year or so, but I have to admit it is getting harder to stay excited about getting all nine objectives, however I try and sit at one time and complete them all. IDK how many more months I will sign up for the BP, as i didn’t for almost the first couple years, but now that you don’t get gold orders for weapons, I ask myself why should I keep doing it. I had the same amount of fun when I wasn’t paying for it.

Same here. I’m giving this one a miss. I just can’t get interested in skins for vehicles I will never use and soldiers for sides I will never play.

And don’t get me started on those customisation things. I’ve got thousands.

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