Old paratrooper squads accessible in some way if missed out on the specific event

Old paratroopers squads like the ones in Normandy and Tunisia should be accessible somehow if you missed the event or joined after. Because the weapons that come with these are unique and quite enticing and these squads would really be great to use but sadly if you came after then you can never use the unique weapons that these squads bring.


An earlier suggestion of mine, Not specifically about this, but also covering this.


It is called fomo. They have brought event guns back in some events but never any squads. I would really like to get the sas squad


There is a chance they may never come back. But who knows.

I could see a “legacy voucher” for one old event squad being given out each season. You could call these old squads “Legacy squads”.

Maybe they could be bought for like 1500 gold too. Idk.

Keep em exclusive for a year, then let people buy them. That’s still enough time to keep fomo around, and give the people who grinded them up enough time to play with their exclusive rewards.


Agreed just by getting into this game last week I see soooo many squads that are no longer available and worry if they ever come back?

No the American one cannot come back but maybe the Italian one

Japanese one should return. There is currently no way to get paras for japs