Now that the merge has happened APC's are overdue for an update

at least not is like the japan one my god,you cant see and its harder to drive than german,soviet ir allied one



that windshield gets me everything.

good luck when it’s early in the morning or in the sunset with the sun hitting your face.

legit, the only way to drive, is through being a passenger.

I learned using minimap and the ground knowledge,but hell is horrible

Show the video then

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i was gonna.

but it’s lost in the ether of the cbr.

lost the position too on the forum.

to be fair though, it was the older version of the d-day. which was slighlty more stiff as the older spawner was to the far right.

not to mention, ( which the m3 is affected the most compared to the 251 ) the wheels literally collides with the ground making it lose speed and momentum.

so in terms of performance, as i do own both, the 251 is definitely more stable than the m3.

and this pointless witchhunt of the " better soviets " quite frankly has to stop.

… or… op not even trying what he is complaining about more like it.


I climbed the mountain in the back of the shooting range when I tried it out with both vehicles and the premium Soviet APC did little bit better than the Germans

The Japanese at this point are just cursed for their existence

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Putin pjs


I came here to give Americans what is theirs and Soviets what is theirs. Suppose they did a little sharing with the M3; fine, whatever. But it is a total bullcrap not to add it to the American tree first or at the same time as releasing the M3 premium set for the Soviets.

Apparently, there was a single Soviet APC called the B-3. It was equipped with a DShK on top and could hold ten troops. A prototype was made, but it never entered production. Dark flow would have no difficulty adding this since it is a prototype since the AS44 is in the regular tech tree. Yet here we are, giving American things to the Soviets first.

Edit: Flagging my post? Really? After providing a reasonable argument with both factions receiving halftracks of their own? What is your goal in flagging this?

they even nerfed our banzai katana charge,you can still do it, but you can’t even bounce the sword like in the past, seems darkflow hate us

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Well there is this old truck that can be used as soviet APC if you don’t like western influence comrade you can drive your old soviet Izhorsk xD

Izhorsk Improvised Armored Vehicles - Tank Encyclopedia (


japan dudes have a few and they give us and same for other factions a meh truck who have a terrible windshield xD

All APCs should be equally fast. Period. Right now the Soviet feels faster, followed by the Japanese, but this one has that dirty windshield and it’s hard to see and needs to be fixed. I don’t know about the US one.
Also, the Germans should have the folded Opel Blitz truck before than the current one.

And I never tried the premium ones, so I can’t speak about that.

it’s not only horrible windshield,also driving,it’s terrible clumsy drive it compared with other nations

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Upon testing it personally, I can say that the Japanese brakes seem to barely work and the engine power only exists when going down hills, in comparison to the others.

The Japanese one is so bad I wish there was an order to make your guys get out and push when trying to get up hills.


I decided to make a post dedicated to this thought.

APCs and trucks need better engine sounds

And I think for balance there should be low idle engine sound when parked as well

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Now that the merge has happened APC’s are overdue for an update

Riders having an existential crisis since release, and made completely irrelevant by paras, and further by APC drivers be like:



I like the german half trac better.

The soviet 50 cal feels more like a 30 cal and less protected.

It’s not that I have an issue with Western influence and giving Soviets American-made vehicles; it’s the fact that they give it to the Soviets first and leave the Americans as a second thought.

Imagine if the Americans got IS 2 (1944) as a premium squad before the Soviets. Would you like something like that? Because I sure wouldn’t.

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Yeah same its very strange that US don’t have its own equipment but they gonna add it in the future but this is Gajin USSR first is their policy xD

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