And maybe it is just me being on PS4 but the swapping of soldiers when I die is aggravating. Actually the respawn menu overall is aggravating. The selection of which soldier I would like next or would like to start as doesn’t work. It’s slow to bring up the menu overall.
I’m aware that I can swap before that menu but sometimes it won’t let me anyway and I lose most of my soldiers while trying to swap. If this is possible to improve I would appreciate it.
Selecting the soldier from the death screen isn’t intuitive. It’s a weird button you have to press to select a different one I think
It’s terrible and slow and doesn’t work. The wheel on the other hand works faster but only half of the time.
I play on PC so I can’t say for sure, but there should be a keybind for directly switching soldiers to the next one in the list. When I die I just hit that to avoid the delay. Also order your squad to move across a street or other killzone, that way if you die crossing they don’t just stop and stand in the open, they keep moving to the cover you told them to.
Yeah half the time I try to use the wheel right as I die to try and save time myself. Super inconsistent as to whether it works or not
What the frick am I looking at?
idk man no one have been able to tell me i made a whole topic about it already so yea for all we know it enlisted lost media
On console we have to manually bind it, but it removes another bind. I can’t find something else to remove.
Half of a gun, the game takes forever to load on PS4
What in the Bubba is that?
game not loading whole gun model… happens with vehicles also…
Oh I know. My PS5 just died the other day and I had to downgrade back down
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