Not everyone played stalingrad

The assaulter is more devastating than a medic so it’s not gonna really break everything

Again, you will have to replace something, and by swapping out most options for a medic, you will make more people angry than you will appease, save for maybe swapping out sniper options.

Good idea, i vote for this :rofl:

Still it shouldn’t be that hard just to add a medic slot to upgrades in squads,
i understand from previous post that this is a DEV decision,
but even adding, it wouldn’t hurt, you still be limited to the 3 specials per squad
come down to what you want to give up taking,

The squads from stalingrad do not have this problem so giving it to every other squad is not gonna break the game

Because stalingrad swapped the assaulters out for medics. If you do that for every single squad, then people will complain.

I’m just saying they can merge it so we can choose an assaulter or medic is an option

This whole argument is Fucking stupid you can do it in the Pacific so there’s no reason you can’t do it everywhere else.


And at this point I think you’re just arguing for the sake of it

Well technically, there the same, Stalingrad, Pacific? they both had it.

But i know you mean, want them for your other campaigns

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and here another lovely picture to question your hypocrisy and don’t forget this is approved by DF with the new vehicle squads

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And there are people who prefer the way Normandy squads are structured right now over the way Pacific ones are structured. I am in that crowd, as the Pacific engineer squads got completely messed up with the inclusion of medics and now cannot have 2 AT guys like all the other ones can. I am not arguing for the sake of arguing, I am arguing because I have something at stake here.

Well then they may as well merge both trees so both parties can have what they want

Devs refuse to do more than 3 options per branch. So we have to fight over the scraps of that.

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If that is so medics are less harmful to the game than Assaulters running around with explosive bags or extra ammo

But replacing assaulters with medics in those squads will make more people mad than keeping it as is, so why would they change that.

Maybe so they can cut down on the Assaulter spam with big Ammo bags and grenade bags But since this is DF they’ll always choose the most chaotic one instead of neutral one

Again, more people prefer assaulters to medics. If you have an issue with that, you need to find a way to convince people to give up assaulters for medics.

what is wrong with just letting put either medic or assaulter at will once you unlock the assaulter slot in any squad? it seems the easiest answer to the problem. is not like you are going full meta, actually it could be considered a downgrade by most to swap assaulter for medic, but choices are always good to have.

since they removed assaulter I, but did not update the squads to have medic slot instead, guess new players leveling their new squads have to wait till assaulter II to equip an assaulter in their formations. not that assaulter II is too far from the start, but still an annoyance for new players that could be easily solved.


You’re not missing anything really, its a meme class - effectively another assaulter with a bag of medkits, which ironically works better for that role than a large backpack. The assaulter squad has better versatility though.