Normandy Axis - the most or even the only populated Axis side - needs some love

I can’t screenshot for now since I’m far from my rig but iirc ~75% for USSR and ~50% for Germany.

That said, I think ~50% winrate should be the norm in any well balanced team game where you have more or less equal chances of winning or losing against people close to your level/skill.

By me is 50% vs 89%, so 40% winrate difference

There is definitely a problem with Germany winrate in Berlin, as I mentioned.
But personally I just don’t care about Normandy, would rather lose fighting in Berlin.
That’s why I’m glad STG and KT are added to Berlin, even though it’s gonna take me a couple years to unlock them, it seems.

Normandy Axis, like the OP said, is the only populated Axis in the whole game. If players leave Normandy Axis it would mean the Axis side of the whole game turn to bots. The playerbase in Normandy Axis is bigger than all other Axis sides summed up.

Maybe. But I don’t play much Normandy campaign because I don’t care much about Normandy/US front in general.

My comment merely states that there are people who play Berlin 100 times more often than Normandy (i.e. people who “give a shit to berlin”).
So I will be happy to have STG and KT eventually.

oh we’re comparing WRs for Berlin then mine is 79% for allies and 80% for axis

You play in NA, of course. I only play in EEU and EU.

the server select doesn’t mean shit because the game can, will and has put me in servers i don’t have selected

It matters, because the problem is with the size and distribution of the player base. Not with the quality of the weapons. It doesn’t matter when you played. When the campaign was launched, it was good to play on both sides.
This problem most people see. Some got into battles where there wasn’t a single piece of axis player. Not just once. No one from other campaigns has reported such drastic cases so far. Of course, there is always someone going in the wrong direction on the highway and thinking the others are wrong. If you don’t believe it, prove it. Play 100 battles berlin axis on EU and EEU servers and document the final result. We are waiting. From March to mid-May this year, I played 250 battles on the Berlin axis. And my winrate is 59%. Am I a shitty player? Possible. But with the Normandy axis, I brought out 84% of 1000 battles, 74 in Moscow ( 1000 battles ). And 89 Stalingrad ( 200 battles, half in the no step back event ) . But even in Tunisia, I am still 70, even though I am not lvl 20. Believe me, I don’t play any other way in any campaign. And the equip is the same in Berlin as in Normandy. That is, the only logical explanation is that I cannot win the same amount due to other circumstances.

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a truth that have been confirmed by 99999999 forum posts

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that isn’t what i mean. what i mean is that the server selector doesn’t really mean anything since it can and will put you in a server that you don’t have selected.

Then I apologize, I misunderstood what you were saying. True, but to my knowledge, this can only happen beyond 45 seconds. I’ve never experienced this myself, but I’ve heard others put it on a server they didn’t choose. Most of the time he puts me in a battle at 31 seconds in Berlin. Even if we’re only 3. Nonetheless, my experience is that NA berlin is more livable. Unfortunately, this hardly helped me, as the afternoon / early evening peak time is here after midnight.


NA is always more livable when it comes to Axis, there was a time when NA is the only playable server for Berlin and Moscow Axis

I didn’t have too much trouble with the Moscow axis on EU. I felt weaker in many respects from the teammate lineup and a few respects from the gear (especially the smg). But it was livable for me. My winrate was 78-79 before I started maxing out the flying squads as well. Afterwards, of course, the situation deteriorated drastically if you didn’t take the team on your back (not just kill but especially in terms of rally point and AT). But what I experienced in Berlin afterwards fell short of all my expectations.