(noob) Is there any way to decrease/remove the time to spawn a squad?

I am new to this stuff. I would like to know if it would be possible to reduce the time to spawn a squad at the start of the game, it is currently set to 25 seconds and I can’t find any file that would contain this parameter. Thanks!

hello there.

if you are talking about reducing the time to spawn in the editor, you’ll just have to click " devmode "

make sure it’s white.

if you instead, are talking about your mission, and you want people to spawn quicker, you’ll need to create a new file within the same folder of your mod,

( can be found: Disk of where you have installed enlisted / enlisted / userGameMods / Name of your mod folder )

rename this new document.txt file to " entities.blk "
( make sure to change the .txt to a .blk )

after that paste this code, and change the value to one that you prefer.


it could be… perhaps too fast.

but you can change them accordingly to your liking.

EDIT: unfortunately i do not know precisely what each of these 4 are for specific.
but these are the ones that affects spawns.

if you want to know more about entities, here is a helpful guide:

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Thanks so much for the quick response!
This is actually the guide I used to learn some stuff.

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Also, do you know how to make ammo box accesable by my soldiers? I can’t get it to work for some reason, it always just says “can’t use enemy ammo box” even though I set tried to set the “team” parameter but none of them work.


over the entity postfix field, place:


then, spawn the " base_fortification_build " entity.

after that, you’ll have to change the team parameters and it should work.

but it doesn’t work for picked up weapons because those are considered neutral.

you’ll have to change their parameters too:

or… you can simply place the ammunition for said weapons and grab said ammo.

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And how to increase the camera shake is exactly in fashion?

no clue.


I found something. Can this help?

i never worked with cameras.

nor i’d know where to look at.


but judging by the nodes, these are used for something else.

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Is it possible to do this, play for all the fighters and that’s it?It is for each of them 1 time

And how to completely remove the minimap?

in theory, " one_spawn_unit " ( or something like that ) node should do that.


problem is, sometimes neither works. and i don’t know why.

so, perhaps try to put them over entities.

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Thank you, should I do this in entities.blk or in the editor?

And how do I turn off the murder camera?

How to do it all? What’s above.



and for the spawn

i believe you’ll just have to place this node:

don’t know

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Thanks for the answer

Could you help me come up with characters for zombie mode, I just don’t have any ideas


that’s a time consuming task.


this is the base profile
zombie_profile.json.txt (538.4 KB)

and if you want to change things,

i recommend this guide:

but, do not forget to clean up the code, and remove the factions that you do not use.

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